Embarassing Incident

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Avatar for Fredy_Moh
3 years ago

Hello Guys, good evening. I trust your day went fine? If it did, good for you. If it didn't, tomorrow will be better.

I want to share with you about how my day went and how i felt today... Hmmm

Okay, it all began when i got a phone call from my friend asking to meet up at a game station in order for him to explain something for me....

I was really busy with house chores so i tried my best to speed up so that i could meet up with my friend. Finally i was done and i had my shower and threw my clothes on me and zoomed off.

Before leaving i had touched my jean trousers to feel if the money which i left in it from the previous day was still there, well it seemed so to me, so, i was on my way.

Upon arriving the game station, i was told that my friend just left. I was so angry thatbi couldn't even call him because i was afraid I'll...... (i could get really angry sometimes)

I found a friends shop and stayed there. I chatted my friend up and told him it wasn't fair.

Today was a rehearsal day for me since I'm a chorister, when it was time, i boarded a tricycle to the venue of the place.

Guess what happened next?....

When the driver was close to my drop off location, i reached into my pocket to get his money but to my suprise i didn't find any money on me rather i brought out a well folded nose mask (which i had thought earlier when leaving the house that it was money) and it stared right at me.

I awoke from my little trance when the driver said "oga we don reach" (meaning we have reached your destination). I immediately apologized to the man and tried to explain myself but he cut me off and started ranting that this is how young boys of nowadays do we just feel we own the world..............

I felt so ashamed, i wasn't in the tricycle alone. Behold an idea flashed across my mind. I called my choir master and told him to bring a certain amount of money to the roadside lest i get killed by the tricyclist's words.

That's how i was saved.

How about you? What embarassing incident have you experienced?

See you in the comment section😊

$ 0.00
Avatar for Fredy_Moh
3 years ago


So sorry for that embarrassing experience, it happens sometimes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What a day for you, your story is even funny and I even felt your pains while reading it. I would have love to share mine also but it may be to long to read

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3 years ago

What an hilarious scenario, this has also happened to me in the past

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3 years ago

I don't like this kind of embarrassment

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3 years ago

What an embarrassment, thank God there was someone to save you and bail you out

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hate embarrassment...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well it's really a great daily challenge men why because it's really embarrassing well you keep moving

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3 years ago

So sorry about that, we've all been embarrassed at one point or the other...we move

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3 years ago

You shouldn't be angry or be about your friend, your friend knows why he left the place so soon but about the driver that molest your skin off I think he has to behave like that because we didn't know if he someone has done that for him before

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3 years ago

Trying something with your friends and eventually you lost and they succeeded

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3 years ago

Had a wardrobe malfunction at a seminar, and I didn't realize it until it was too late, while I was giving my presentation

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3 years ago