Back to my writing table after 3 days away from home

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2 years ago

It's been three days since I've been home and away attending a conference in a new city. I missed my family, my home, and my routine. But more than anything, I missed my writing. I missed the solitude and peace that only comes when I'm locked away in my room with a blank screen in front of me.

It was a good trip, and a great conference, but I missed my desk and my computer! I was only able to get a few things done while I was away, but mostly I just enjoyed every bit of the conference, an opportunity to visit a new city and meet with old friends. I'm looking forward to getting back into my routine and getting some new ideas flowing again.

So here I am again, back in my room, and typing up a few paragraphs with my computer before going to sleep. I'll be back at my desk tomorrow, and it's time to get back to work. I m really tired now though, but I think since I have missed some days without writing, I should quickly type out a few paragraphs before hitting the sack. I know you might be wondering why I would have to miss days of writing when I have a mobile phone with me at all times! Well, it's not easy writing this way. I like to concentrate and use my words, but being away from my desk just forces me to go with the flow.

I Could have managed with my phone though, but the conference I was attending required 100 percent of my time, and there was no resting time even to check my email. The conference organizers really work me out, but I know it's good for me to put my life into perspective and just focus on the work at hand, for both my own personal satisfaction and that of my listeners.

Over the next couple of days, I'm going to really be trying to get back into the routine of writing every day. I don't have a big backlog of articles I can really start sifting through, so I think I'm going to have to be really creative and crafty to get things going again. I also feel a little bit rusty after 3 days away. I did spend some time sitting on a balcony of the lodge house this morning, enjoying the beautiful view of the little city, but that's about the extent of my planned movement. I really need to get my butt back in my writing chair and start working on my regular writing assignments again, because I'm feeling a little lost right now.

I don't feel like narrating my experiences at the conference event, nor do I feel like running down memory lane. I would like to start working on new pieces, perhaps pieces on career exploration and what I'm working on, or other ideas and articles that would be of interest to my readers.

I'm just not sure how that's going to happen. At any rate, I have written this short piece on my travels today, so that should at least give me some solid foundation to start tomorrow when I regain my vitality and my brain could think straight again. The first week of a new month has always been a good time to take stock of what I'm doing and consider what's next. Even though this hasn't been the best start to the new month, I'm still looking forward to putting my butt in my chair and doing what I love to do, which is writing.

It's been a while since I have written anything about BCH, but I'm hoping the next few days will provide me with enough time to get my writing groove back again. The BCH Myth Bursting contest for 2022 has started again, so there is a lot to tell and we can't wait to see how the entries turn out this time around. It's great to have it back, and I'm really going to sit up and look up good ideas to go all in for it.

Have a great evening everyone, and good luck with whatever it is you are doing. I will have to leave you now though, since it's bedtime, and I have to get up early tomorrow morning to make it back to my writing desk for another long day. Please tune in tomorrow morning. Stay blessed.

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$ 2.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


You're such a workaholic, I respect your hardworking attitudes.

Welcome back, it is often said that there is no place like home

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good to be back sir, keep giving us back to back with your beautiful write-up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome back to your writing table sir. It would always feel better to be at our comfoet zone. Surely you could share all wise thoughts and bright ideas more. Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience as on my side, I also write on my favorite place.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Woah! Welcome back sir. Congrats on your successful conference. I can see that you really do love writing and everyone is waiting for you to share more blogs or articles from you. I'm into writing but lately, I am more busy doing the one I really love, "playing Volleyball." Hehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago