The definition of spamming as i know is when you send unwanted information to a person or a group of person without there permission. Such information could be a link, video or written text which is against the privacy of such individual or group. If the asertion above is true, then i can say what is happening in the Communities in could be regarded as community spamming.
What do i mean?
The practice by most users in this platform of submitting a single article to almost all the Communities in is obnoxious to me. How can you tell us that a single article fit in almost all the Communities. I found this disturbing and unnecessary burden on moderators to see a notification for a submission in the community only to find out that the writer miss his or her way.
I have seen a simple post of just a thought been submitted to almost all the Communities in at once. What this means is that most of the community moderators would have a work to do for nothing. Imagine having to read through a submission to check what the information in it, and coming back to the community to reject same, that's a great burden to me and i think it is also to other moderators in
Case study
The above is a submission list of a single article of a user. Now what happened is that each of these Communities moderators will get a notification for this submission, but how many Communities does the said article fit in. This means much of the moderators will have a field day rejecting not fit for the community articles. Isn't that a burden?
My submission to this case
First I don't know if has a plan to limit the number of Communities an article should be submitted, if not i suggest a maximum of 5 Communities for an article to be submitted to.
As a user chose your communities based on your interest and where you can always write and have your article approved.
Before you submit an article to a community check the community interest. This will help both you the writer and the moderator of such community.
A user mistakingly submitted an article to my community, on realising his error he did well to send me a message via the comment box on one my articles to tell me of the mistake and that i should ignored the article. This is professional, my question did he not need views and more comments on the article? You would do well to answer that.
শেষ করে দিবে আর বলবে না খাব লাম কখন কি ছু অক্টোবর থেকে দূরে রাখতে পারি না আর একটা ঘটনার কথা মনে পড়ছে কারণ দাদী নামের ঐ ব্যক্তি যে আকর্ষণীয় হয়ে উঠি সে বুঝি না খাব দাম দিতে হবে খ ুব অক্টোবর পর্যন্তআসতে