Who is the father. (A true life story)

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1 year ago

Who is the father was the first question I ask when I saw her friend.

Image source from Unsplash

Back to the beginning.

Since I started schooling at Kwara state polytechnic in 2016, there was this girl I know then. Though I hardly talk to people in the community because the place I stay is a 4 bedroom flat, I have got my room and to crown it all, my place was fenced all around. So most time I'm always indoor, I only go out to get the necessary things for survival.

Back then in 2016, I would just go to this girl's Mommy's shop to get noodles and she would be the one to sell them. She was beautiful, tall, and elegant but she lack a manner of approach and talks carelessly. She has never tried her bad manner act with me because I don't talk to her or have any business except to get things from their store. She was still a secondary school girl and the words that comes out of her mouth were always too hard for me to imagine.


I started my HND program in 2020 and I was to round it up in 2022. I notice this girl who is now in the form of a lady has also finished her secondary school and was planning to get admission into my school. I wanted to offer her a helping hand with no strings attached but an incident happened.

Due to the poor weather and lack of electricity, getting water in yakuba Kwara state is very hard. Most of the wells are dry and people who own tap water will refuse to open it to the populace because they had to use fuel to pump the water. On this faithful day, I was sleeping in my room and the electricity came, I didn't notice because all my sockets were off. It took probably one hour for me to know. So I rushed with my bucket to the tap to fetch water and I met this young lady there. She and her siblings has been fetching water, so I begged her to let me fetch my 2 buckets and I would be on my way but she refused.

I waited for her to fetch her 6 big buckets and she allowed her friends. Her siblings came back with the bucket they took home and started fetching again. I didn't say anything cause I wouldn't want to have an exchange of words with a little lady. I waited till she was done. And since then I haven't seen her. Probably she gain admission and was busy like I am. 2 weeks ago as I came out from my gate to get things needed for survival, I saw her with a big stomach. Could she have just eaten? No, was it too much water? No. This could only be pregnancy, I couldn't ask her because we aren't even close. When I got to the shop I was getting my provisions, she passed and I asked her friend "who is the husband?" And she replied "I don't know, even the lady doesn't know who the husband is"

I was whao, I felt bad for her but to think she doesn't know the father of the child is, what could have happened?

That is the question I'm still asking myself.

Thanks for reading.

$ 0.06
$ 0.02 from @Fexonice1
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
$ 0.02 from @Ellawrites
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1 year ago


Aaah, or could she have been raped??. How can she not know who the father is? Was she hypnotized?, Or prolly she sleeps around?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When a lady sleeps with 3men in a day without protection.. She will find it hard to tell who the father is

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ehya, the father might v japa but to survive alone sha, God 'll help her

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1 year ago

Amen.. But he might have because he knows he is not the only one

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The father is somewhere hiding from responsibilities but one day will show his face. Instead of her to face her studies, she went ahead to face pregnancy. Lmao.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Probably when the child is born.. Anyone he resemble.. That would be the father😁😁

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1 year ago


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1 year ago