I keep seeing quite a bit of FUD about the BCH ticker. Here are the simple hard facts.
Exchanges decide what ticker they will assign to a chain.
Right now Binance, Huboi, Bitcoin.com, and OKEx are all signaling support for BCHN with their mining pools. Source
CoinEx/ViaBTC has stated they will remain neutral and support both chains Source
Historically exchanges have awarded the ticker to the majority hash chain.
As far as I know no other exchanges have come out with a stance on the possible split. So are the possible scenarios for the ticker?
Other exchanges follow Binance, Huboi, Bitcoin.com and OKEx and the BCHN signaling chain retains BCH.
ABC somehow manages to convince exchanges and they get BCH. This looks very unlikely at this time.
Exchanges create 2 new tickers and no one gets BCH. This is also very unlikely.
A mix. This is the most likely scenario. Majority of exchanges assign BCH to the BCHN signaling chain. Some exchanges create new tickers for both chains.
It's unfortunate but there are exchanges that have interest in harming BCH and will make things confusing. One of these could even assign the BCH ticker to the ABC chain on their exchange for just this reason. What is certain is that at this time nothing is certain. Still the most likely scenario in the event the split happens (and a split isn't even a certainty) is that BCHN signaling chain will retain the BCH ticker.
That is what the anti-BCH troll army has been claiming for weeks. It may be true on some anti-BCH exchanges no matter what happens in the hash battle. IMO, If ABC wins the Hash battle it will be BCH on most exchanges still. If ABC loses the hash battle, BCHN is likely to get the name. Of course the troll army will assure their recruits BCHN will win the hash battle and be BCH. We can't know yet since BTC miner hash may well be involved. Anyone who claims it is already a certainty or that the winner of the name is obvious now is being dishonest or fooled.