My canceled trip

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It was a bright sunny Monday morning, with pleasant atmosphere. I was overwhelmed and full of joy. I headed straight to the bathroom, took my bath brushed my teeth, arranged my luggage's and do all the needful before heading to the living room to greet my mom and dad. They were sitting together in our new cushion chair which my dad purchased two weeks ago.

I know you might be wondering why I was full of joy that morning, well having said so. My elder sister will be celebrating her 50th birthday that will be holding in the united state of America (USA) which is in 2 days time. I so much admire the country a lot and it has always been my dream vacation, you know with a lot of snows falling everyday with cool atmosphere which can never be compared with my country Nigeria. Harsh weather with lots of noise everywhere where you can't even make a call along a busy market full of crowds. The day to day buying and selling, hawkers along the streets and markets, sounds of engines and grinders, moving vehicles, tricycles, blowing of horns and sirens from cars.

Good morning dad good morning mom, I greeted and they replied in unison "morning son" how was you night that was my moms voice and I replied "my night was marvelous. My dad started first 'son' you might feel bad for what I am about to say but just take it to heart and bear with us, I promise that when next your elder sister would be celebrating her birthday you won't Miss for anything in the world. I jumped our of the chair and ran straight to my room without waiting to hear the concluding speech he has started, for I know where he was heading to. That my trip to the states has been canceled. They were calling me but I pretended deaf to their calling! I banged my room door and locked my self inside. I felt so bad and really hurt as I fell on my bed and sobbed silently. That my joy had turned to sadness.

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But atleast nigeria doesnt have critisism and love your country dude, it may help you grow and enourage people to come in your country.

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3 years ago

I enjoyed your freewrite and writing style. Thanks for the good read. 👍🍀💕

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3 years ago

Hmm...why the sudden chai of plans ??at least you would have waited to hear them first before running off like that now

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3 years ago

Sometimes for our several problems our planning treep should be canceled. This is very harmed us but we have to do nothing. Problems can come any time in our life. All the best. Nice article.

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3 years ago

There are many ups and downs in our life. Sometimes, we have to cancelled many important thing. But hope for the best. Never lose hope.

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3 years ago

Harsh weather with lots of noise everywhere where you can't even make a call along a busy market full of crowds. The day to day buying and selling, hawkers along the streets and markets, sounds of engines and grinders, moving vehicles, tricycles, blowing of horns and sirens from cars.

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3 years ago

They were calling me but I pretended deaf to their calling! I banged my room door and locked my self inside. I felt so bad and really hurt as I fell on my bed and sobbed silently. That my joy had turned to sadness.

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3 years ago