I Wonder

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4 years ago

I wonder

Who really am I?

I hear them calling my name

I see the difference –

Of how they utter my name

Seems like they all can see me

But through different ways

I’m confused

Who really am I?

Full of uncertainties

But slowly,

I’m figuring all out.

Who really am I?

I know I’m human

I know that I’m a woman

I know that I wake up in bliss

And sleep at night in peace

I know I’m jolly

I smile so widely

Laugh so loudly

And love so deeply

Not everyday’s a good day

Sometimes I cry,

Tears pour like rain

Pain so excruciating

But full of positivity,

I always bounce back

Stronger than most

Who really am I?

I know I am someone’s daughter

Not a perfect one

But not a worse one

I know I am someone’s friend

Not the best friend

But the “always there” kind of friend

I know I am someone’s lover

Not the picture-perfect

But the most patient

Who really am I?

I know I am a child of God

With strong faith and love

Surrendering my whole unto him

I know he knows me,

More than I know myself

God Bless Everyone! 😇 It's been a long day. I hope you are all doing fine. Just feel free to comment down how your day went. I'd love to read them. 😁

Keep safe 😉

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
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4 years ago


This is lovely poetry. I thought it would be Who I really am? instead of Who really am I? but after reading Amor written by @marcmire, this sounds lovely too.

Give her poem a read too, I believe you will love it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much 😍😁 I would love to read her poem ❣

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hope you enjoy it. 😘

$ 0.00
4 years ago