3 common questions I Encounter

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1 year ago

We encounter different questions in life, probably some we get used to answering and some we find hard to give an answer, One thing is for sure why do people ask questions about, whether they decide to respect, envy, to be happy, with the person or not depends to every answer they made and heard.
I encounter different questions every day from people I don't usually see every day.

1. Why did you get so fat?

One of the questions I hate to hear the most because I'm sick of answering repeat questions with different persons, someone who didn't see me since a long time ago, well I always say the same quiet reason why I got so fat since, maybe because of my daily routine, working at the office having the same issues. lack of exercise, we do sit 8 hours a day and it's not good for our health, we dont give much time and effort to exercise, because we feel loose and tired after we got home, there are many responsibilities I need to focus than doing me time and exercise, I can only play basketball once a week.
I cant help to eat a lot when I do love the meal served on the table, Eating is life, I do love to eat, we only live once let's eat the best food in our time here on earth hahah

Photo not mine, Credits to the owner

  1. What is your work?

I always encounter this question from my old friends, classmates, and colleagues, they always tend to ask what is my work, where I work, and how much my salary is, I know they ask these questions to decide whether to respect me or not, they respect people depend on their job, if you're men in uniform or not, I know I failed to find a pretty stable job that's why I hate to encounter this such questions, most of them judge you after you give an answer, they are critics silently, they may smiling in front but when you tend to turn your back to them, all of them became critics, they judge you for all your failures but not in your efforts and success. that's why I tend to learn to be lowkey nowadays, I learn not to post on social media all my failures, half of them are happy it happened to me, some of them don't care, and they don't seem to give time, being lowkey is the best thing.

Photo not mine, Credits to the owner

  1. Do you have a love life?

Maybe some could relate to these such crazy but common question we tend to encounter, as a 90's generation, I always encounter asking if I have a love life, if I already have a wife and kids, They seems to be part of our generation as our age is already mid 20's some of us have 3 kids, some of us still single, some of us have uncountable failed relationships, back then I was pressure to be asked with these such questions knowing some of my friends had already partners in life, some already had a successful marriage with kids, and I'm still single, glad that I already pass those pressures, I already had family now, with my little Ari with me , I know some of us still receives pressure when someone asked if they already had love life hahahaha its a crazy question but find hard to give solution.


With all my experience and challenges that I already encounter, I learn to be silent and become lowkey because not everyone asking really cares, all our failures in life are part of our success in the future, so let's take advantage of it, take all those failures as stepping stone to step up until we achieve the height of success.

Photo not mine, Credits to the owner

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1 year ago


Ako if I feel uncomfortable answering some of those questions, I try to answer in a funny manner or depende na lang din siguro kung paano nila tatanungin. Pero usually tinanong ng mga kakilala ko if saan nako ulit nagwowork, or kung kelan ko balak magwork ulit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hahaha yan nalang kasi applicable diba kasi nahanap mo na forever mo hehehe tapos nung tumaba ka gumanda ka lalo eh hahahahaah

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can relate to those questions. It's nice to ask about your profession. But when it gets to the salary part, things move in another direction. Some people give you a certain level based on the salary where your salary may not represent your financial situation, let alone happiness. Getting the same salary, someone's financial condition can be pretty good whereas someone might end up being broke.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thats what Im feeling right now, Im on the situation that I know this work I have now cant support my family longer if things go worst I might need to find a stable job sooner.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are wise to not be bothered by what others think about you anymore. Mostly they are just fishing for information and they really don't care. Over the years, I have learned to just laugh it off or just smile when others ask me questions. We shouldn't let others control us. Less talk, less mistake.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yeah they don't literally care, They just want to know if they are more successful than us to make them feel better.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I saw the first phrase in the photo today because a friend shared it on his Whatsapp. What a coincidence

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also saw this photo on Facebook after I saved that photo my wall reloaded and lost the opportunity to get the link of the owner hahaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Many can relate to your experiences regarding personal questions asks to you. Sometimes those are easy questions to make a start of conversation. So I just go for it and just throw the same question to keep the conversation going if there are lots of time . But if not or get annoyed I would silently decline , more so if the person is not an intimate friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

EASY questions but sometimes hard to answer depends on the situation just like how our office mate get annoyed to the question of lovelife she is already 35 years old yet she is still NBSB no boyfriend since birth. hahaa

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Bro are you eating or not, you are getting skinnier day by day. A normal question which I encounter a lot, hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Among those three, the common question I get is number too. It could be because I am just at home doing side hustles jobs rather than be on the field and work on the profession that I finished in college. Haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago