Finally The Squid Game Month Is Coming To An End

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Avatar for Dominique
2 years ago

Hello everyone happy month end a wonderful mid week to y'all out here, hope we all are having a wonderful time??

There has been a power outage for about a week now and its kinda annoying coz I hate sleeping without light...

But no worries coz I believe everything is gonna be alright, this month has been a. Wonderful month for me in every aspect but the ending part of it wasn't friendly to me.....

Am glad I was able to save up some cash through my everyday writing and am glad I was able to keep up....

Most times I find it difficult to interact or write something, I might be inspired to write and after some seconds I just give up and exit my browser for no reason....

This month has thought me a lot and am glad this account wasn't abandoned, I had to sell of the BCH I accumulated and I sent some cash to the owner of this account because of some challenges he has been going through...

Yea I know I said I won't sell from what I have accumulated until I get the amount needed for his transportation fee ( $168 ) it was a tough decision but I had to do so...

Why Do I Call It A Squid Game Month ??

In the crypto world this month has been a squid game because of its instability ( Red Light Green Light)...

This month is an interesting one if you ask me coz we all have been expecting a bull run but it never happened...

Price of coins went down really bad but they all proved to themselves that they are still worthy and it was full of ups and downs.....

A lot of people have been saying April and May is going to be a wonderful month for crypto currencies and there might be a lot of ATH this time, if I can remember last year April And May was the month that brought BTC up to $57k....

Let's see if this one could actually do better, I know a lot of people are patiently waiting for a bull run ( BTC ) ... If we can get a bull run other coins ( including Altcoins and Shit coin) would definitely spike up too....

I wish and I also believe this new month that we are about to enter will be totally different from what we have experienced within the past few months.....

Currently the market is kinda stable but its still dipping but am sure things would recover.....

Looking forward to see BCH hit $400 once again...... Just can't wait for the month to be finally over wishing y'all success in the new journey ahead of us, wishing to see you achieve your April goals....

Its gonna be a wonderful and a tricky new month coz there is gonna be a lot of April fool😂, am gonna trick a whole lot of people including my family and friends lol....

Thanks for reading ❤🤗 have a lovely mid week.....

$ 1.43
$ 1.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.03 from @LucyStephanie
+ 2
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Avatar for Dominique
2 years ago


Lol and here I thought it was about the show. Oh well. It's always been like that, red and green light but it depends which app or site you look at too. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish it will elevates more than $400. I was so happy before cause it hits almost $500 , that was huge enough right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am happy to see it green again hopefully we get past $400 soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, I'm always praying for that bro. Thanks for sharing this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A better market is what we all pray for, at least most of us :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol not most of us coz I don't see a reason why someone would love to see crypto dip lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hoping this month ends with very big blessings 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago