Blood is my bath water.

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Avatar for DocLayla
2 years ago

Yesterday, I cried. Waking up from a rather tumultuous sleep, I cried so much that I couldn't go back to sleep. After waking up with these severe pain in the lower side of my body and felt like something was trickling in the left side of my abdomen, I had a terrible feeling I was going to die. That deep, scary, feeling you have when you think you might die but won't be really surprised if you didn't. I bore my pain alone because waking up someone from their peaceful sleep was the last thing I wanted to do. I tossed and turned, faced my sister, looking directly at her beautiful face. She's looked much younger than she did the day before. I realised how much I would miss her if I were to die. I got up from bed, tried to switch on the lightbulb but there wasn't power supply. I groped for the switch of the bedside lamp and after stumbling on the plate I didn't take out earlier in the evening, I found it. I switched it on, took my portable torch and headed to the bathroom to relieve myself. As flow of my tears increased, so did the trickles in my abdomen. It felt like something that shouldn't be spilling was spilling and that could cause damage. I picked up the kettle in the bathroom to perform ablution. It was empty. With dismay, part of which was due to the now intensifying pain, and the other due to the thought of how more intense it would have gotten if I walk the reasonably long distance to get water, I cried even more. With each tear-drop, the pain went from scorching to burning.... to scalding. With my last burst of strength I took four giant strides towards were the tap was located and collapsed on the way, not even halfway yet.

Fastening the handle of the kettle in my fingers while crawling with the other hand, I progressed a little bit further to where the tap was. The trickles now not only represent a source of pain but also a source of determination.


My intestine burned and burned. I think the late night dinner I had had now found its way outside my intestine into my peritoneal cavity as my belly got more swollen and swollen.

Drip.. Drip... Drip..

I dropped the kettle which was in my right arm to support my now heavy belly. The goal had changed to something I was not sure of and couldn't care less at that time. My goal now is to reach the tap and I don't even know what for. I crawled like a slug with my left arm. The image of the so much laboured for tap began getting blurrier and blurrier just as I was almost there. Everything started getting darker and darker, my belly heavier and heavier and bigger and bigger. I continued to crawl amidst the growing darkness towards a now uncertain destination. Darkness suddenly enveloped me making me lose sight of everything including my water tap but I kept moving.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

Ah yes! I have finally arrived. Thank God. I arrived at the tap! By some miracle, it turned itself on or perhaps someone turned it in for me. Since I couldn't see any more I couldn't be sure. I inclined my head towards the tap and felt the cool feel of the water on my head. It felt good. So good. It kept pouring on my head that it created a large puddle in which I was fully immersed. It soothed my stomach and the trickling sound disappeared into the soothing and calming splash of the water.

I can't remember for how long I stayed there, savouring the warmth and coolness of the water. It felt like a decade. My eyes started to open slowly and slowly. God! It was still night. The moon looked like the sun and the stars like giant clouds.

I looked around me to behold the water around me. Behold! It kept gushing.. .

Splash! Splash! Splash!

It kept gushing continuously out of my stomach. The blood. It surrounded my body. The trickle was what became the gush and I had thought it was water all along. I gradually sank into a pool of my own blood, looking at the tap that was just two footsteps away, with its bronze head glistened against the moonlight...


Thanks for reading guys.

This seemingly fictitious story is actually my dreamworld. It is based on a dream I had last night. A lucid dream at that (it felt so real!). I have been dreaming and even experiencing some not so normal stuff. Lately I have been going through some issues, all beyond what I can even comprehend. I tell myself I am gonna be okay, and I hope I would. Your prayers and well wishes will go a long way. This is the reason I have been absent on readcash.

Thank you @Olasquare and @Lovelyfaith for the sponsorship. I am very grateful.

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$ 0.05 from @JLoberiza
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Avatar for DocLayla
2 years ago


Idk but ny mind sings the drip drip drip with the enchanto tune 😭

$ 0.01
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Surrealistic... I thought at first it was for real. Then again it was too elaborate considering the intense pain you described. Nevertheless, you got my imagination going. But if it's based on a dream or dreams, I think your dreams are trying to tell you something.

I hope and pray everything will be 'OK'.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah. Everything is quite okay now. I have taken some medications and I am quite okay now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago