First of all, congraulations to Bitcoin Cash Node on becoming the first development team to reach their fundrasing goal via flipstarter.
Also, massive thanks should also go to the Flipstarter dev(s), this form of funding is an amazing development and fits in with the voluntarist ethos of Bitcoin.
Developer Funding
Massive debate has raged over this the past two months and whilst it has maybe made me realise how underappreciated dev work goes, the catalyst for this should have been avoidable.
The IFP being put into code was a stab in the back to pretty much everyone except ABC and their miner friends who asked for it.
The vast, vast majority of people in BCH do not want it and it should have been removed as quick as it was put in.
Maybe it is too late to remove it now as they claim but you had plenty of time to do this and so you only have yourself to blame for how this has turned out.
Voluntary Funding
We have proven as a community voluntary funding works and whilst by seeing BCHN fully funded, and BCHD, Verde and Knuth being on their way now as well.
The only campaign lagging in this is ABC and for them to pretend they don't understand why is laughable.
This screenshot below from their most recent article here on says it all for me.
You are in my opinion holding a gun to people's heads and demanding they donate or else.
This is simply not on.
And I write this as someone who has donated to yourselves, I was reluctant to speak out so vocally before as I wanted to see how the community voted with the donations and now I think it could not be clearer.
Going Forward
With funding and support for developer teams coming in from the community and businesses within BCH we are entering an exciting time where ABC will now be knocked off their pedestal.
I still hope they continue to contribute in this space and learn from this and do not blame the community, they are entirely to blame for this.
I also do not want to see personal attacks on people as that is not the way forward but I think we can all agree that ABC you have not came out of this looking good and the quicker you publicly accept and apologise for your wreckless actions the better.
Here is to a new era in Bitcoin Cash development!
Good one