Things to do on Sunday
Date: Sunday. 6th of March, 2022.
Happy Sunday beautiful people! Today is a good day, sadly it precedes Monday lol. Today, I woke up feeling relaxed just like yesterday. Although, I did get so distracted that I posted my article for the day hours later than usual.
Do you find Sundays boring or lacking activities? Do you just lay around not knowing what to do apart from being in your phone?. Today, I will like to share some tips about the several things you can do on a Sunday.
Sunday is a good day to explore your cooking skills, try out new recipes. Did you see a meal you've always wanted to try? Look up the recipe and give it a go. If you have any meal combination you've wandered what they'd taste like, well, try them out today. Get the most out of your Sunday by getting the pot boiling and the pans sizzling. At the end of the day, you'll either get a good meal or realise you never want to try a particular meal again lol.
Sunday is not called the Lord's day for nothing. If you are a practicing Christian who worships on Sunday, you can take the day and devote it to worship. It's quite surprising the kind of calm and serenity that comes with worship. So, go to church and do that. Beware not to go there to compare you clothes, shoes or hairstyles with others in church.
Do you relish in the smell of clean sheets, the feeling of soft, washed clothes against your body? To get that feeling, wash your clothes. Take out all your clothes that needs washing. It is best to keep clothes to be washed in a basket immediately after wearing (rather than that chair in your room haha) so that you won't leave anyone out when you want to wash. After taking them out, wash them and when they're dry, fold them neatly and pat yourself in the back on a job well done.
Here, you can either go to see friends or have them visit you. Either way, you'll have company. After a long week, it is a good way for you and your friends to chill out and catch up on each others lives. Do this and you'll be surprised how the day will just go by. It also doesn't have just friends, you can visit family members to check up on them, you can buy them fruits or snacks. You can also have your little cousins come over and let them raid your wardrobe a little.
Now, this is different from visiting family and friends. Here, you have to go out and experience the world. You can go to a restaurant, spend the day at the park, visit an historical site, go to the museum, the mall or even take a simple stroll. The opportunities are endless. Just step out of your house and explore whav your city has to offer. You can do this alone or if you want some company, you can go with friends, siblings, relatives etc.
Most of us must have heard about selfcare Sunday. I wrote about different ways to practice selfcare here. It is a great way to help you relieve the stress of the previous week and also prepare you for the coming week. Taking care of oneself is highly beneficial to one's mental and physical health. So, take a break, rest and do things that keeps you relaxed.
After Sunday, for most of us, we have to resume the weekly grind. It is easy to want to keep away every resemblance of work/school during the weekend but it is good to get your things together for Monday so that you won't feel overwhelmed or exhausted when Monday comes. So, know what is expected of you for Monday, pack your bags, make your to-do lists, get your clothes and shoes ready etc. Planning ahead helps you feel more relaxed when Monday comes around rather than struggling with the stress and anxiety of a new week.
And that's all folks!
I hope my points will be helpful to someone, thanks for reading and thanks to @BCH_LOVER for renewing your sponsorship, I am so grateful to you 🙏
My Sunday is just like the other days. I did my house chores but sometimes it's my rest day. Sometimes i go out too if only I have important things to buy or sometimes i went to school because Sunday is the first day of class here