How to prevent flu? (EN)

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1 year ago
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There is no reason to always fall victim to colds and flus. Vaccines and a good diet will help you have a good season without problems.

The microorganisms that produce this type of condition prefer cold,because they develop better with low temperatures common colds. They are caused by viruses that are transmitted through droplets of saliva that they are released when coughing, sneezing or speaking. Young children, especially up to four years old, do not have a well-developed immune system, which is why they are the favorite victims of these viruses. It is not strange that a little one of months catches a cold or that a baby of one or two years has an average of eight to ten flu episodes a year (After four years the incidence of colds decreases).

The flu manifests itself with nasal congestion, liquid secretion, tearing, dry cough, sneezing and with a few tenths of a fever. They are not usually complicated and, although there is no medicine to cure them, the symptoms can be relieved with pain relievers (such as paracetamol; aspirin is not suitable for children), rest and plenty of fluids. In a week it will be cured.

When a baby is affected by this condition, the nasal congestion will prevent him from eating.

To avoid this, ten minutes before feedings put physiological saline solution on your nose so that it softens the mucus and you can extract it with a pear.

Do vitamins help?

At the moment, there is no effective vaccine that immunizes against all the viruses that cause the cold, but you can do a lot so that your child is not the typical baby with continuous sneezing and runny nose. Make sure that he is well fed and that he does not lack vitamins of any kind (typical vitamin C, by itself, cannot do much, but if the body has received enough vitamins and nutrients, it will be prepared to overcome colds. Vitamin C helps to regenerate the tissues of the airways and lungs, areas damaged by colds, but does not help prevent them). If your little one eats badly, the pediatrician will tell you if he needs vitamins.

Another preventive measure is not to smoke when there is a baby at home, since it causes cold-like symptoms in the sensitive child. Although it is possible for a baby to catch the flu at home, especially if she has older siblings, it is common for them to appear during nursery or school times.

As a precaution, so that he does not infect others, do not take him to the nursery if he is sick. If you have no other choice, let the teacher know so she can keep him a bit isolated. If your little one is one of those who get sick one week and the other, the only way to prevent it is to take him out of daycare and keep him at home for a while.

In it, do not overheat his room or cover him with many clothes, because as soon as he moves he will begin to sweat and if the sweat remains cold it can worsen his ailments.

Are vaccines effective?

The flu virus is very different from those that cause colds and responds very well to immunization. In reality, the vaccine prevents contagion, but there is no treatment to cure the disease when it has been declared, although the symptoms can be relieved with analgesics to avoid antipyretic pain to reduce fever and rest.

If you want to be prepared, feed it well from now to have enough defenses. The exercise tones, oxygenates the cells and helps eliminate toxins, so you must include a routine for your child and for you, while suppressing everything that harms the functioning of the respiratory system, such as smoking. The rest is achieved with rest, a lot of liquid and, in the worst case, about ten days of patience.

The flu appears between October and April, so vaccination must be made between the second half of September and the first of October. It is advisable for children and the elderly who have heart and pulmonary diseases, adults with chronic respiratory or renal disorders, with heart or diabetes problems and, in general, for anemic people and with few defenses.

The pregnant woman must refrain from the vaccine, especially during the first quarter, then it will be the gynecologist who indicates the most appropriate. Nor can allergic people be applied to the egg, and must be delayed with a respiratory disease.

10 questions to the pediatrician

  • 1. I have a six -month -old baby, can I vaccinate it against the flu?

    No. It is preferable not to do it until over six months and only if you have respiratory or cardiac problems.

  • 2. Antibiotics cure the refered?

    No. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses. Flu and cold are viral diseases.

  • 3. My son acquires flu frequently because he is weak?

    Until four years all children have few defenses and can have eight to ten flu per year.

  • 4 Vitamin C prevents colds?

    By itself, no. As part of the contributions of a correct diet, yes.

  • 5. Is aspirin good to combat the cold?

    For a child it is not the most indicated. An adult will help relieve symptoms.

  • 6. Can I have several flu a year?

    Yes, even if you are vaccinated against one of the flu viruses, you can be prey to another of them.
  • 7. Is the anti -current vaccine effective?

    It is very difficult to get a total immunization against more than 100 types of viruses in a single vaccine.

  • 8. I'm cold, could you vaccinate against the flu?

    No. It is preferable that you expect not to suffer any respiratory path disease.

  • 9. My son usually has febrile seizures, should I vaccinate him against the flu?

    No. In your case it is better to do without the vaccine.

  • 10. I am pregnant, does the antigripal vaccine suit me?

    Never during the first quarter; Then, the gynecologist will value your particular case.

Take care and take care of our little ones...!

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Family, Thought, Health, Diary, Stories, ...


We must take great care of the flu, a badly cured flu can turn into pneumonia. Look, many people have died from pneumonia, children much faster.

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1 year ago