Happiness is NOT something we need to start praying for.
God has already answered that prayer long ago before you where even formed in your mother's womb.
I sat down to think deeply that in all the years I've spent on earth, what can I point at, as a source of my happiness. Is my happiness in the food I eat, the clothes I wear, the money I have.
Is your's in your spouse, your children?
Every human being is born with an amazing innate ability to pursue after their own personal happiness.
Neither is happiness something that one should wish for, because happiness does not depend on how rich you are or how much materials you possess.
Happiness is something you design on your own.
Being happy basically has to do with our attitude and how we tackle things in life. Happiness to me is a skill that we can learn and has to do with making the decision to be happy.
To stay happy:
Make the Decision to be Happy.
Choosing a happy life is, in itself, the path to living a healthy life.
Happiness is NOT prepared solely for any particular faith or religion. And religion is not a path to one's happiness.
Stop Comparing Yourself with People
Comparing one's-self with others is the GREATEST impediment to human's happiness.
There is one thing that you’re better at being than any other person: and that is being YOU. Being YOU is the only game you can win.
Stop Making Efforts to Impress Others.
It takes a lot of energy trying to compete with other people or trying to impress those whose approval you seek.
Encourage the Practice of Gratitude.
Practicing gratitude is a very important strategy to be happy. Gratitude means putting all our focus on the things you have instead of putting it on the things you lack. Gratitude is mostly about you celebrating your present life and also being thankful for the joy and gladness you are experiencing.
Always Look for the Goodness in Things
It is very easy to see bad sides. Instead of seeing the bad sides, focus on the positive sides only. .
Celebrate Yourself
You are worthy to be celebrated. You shouldn't wait until it's your birthday or when there's an holiday before you celebrate yourself. Appreciate yourself.
Build your confidence in yourself by recognizing and appreciating your greatness anytime it comes.
Congratulate yourself for your successes, no matter how small or big it is.
Use your small wins to generate strength for the upcoming ones. You will realize that it is one of the bravest ways to stay happy.
If it's PAST, Let it GO
This is another great hindrance to people's happiness (holding on to the past)
The past is done already! There is no amount of worrying or wasted emotions that will change that fact that the past is gone already.
So, let it go!!!
As you grow as a person, you learn to see these past events as stepping stones toward a brighter and better future.
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