Stop Worshiping The Addiction Idol!

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2 years ago
Sponsors of CryptoMan4
I would like to express my gratitude to my sponsors who encouraged and supported me to write and express my gratitude to them.

A note to my dear readers

Guys, I don't know how to speak English. As well as writing. I wrote my article using translation. But I think there was a wrong translation in some places as far as I checked. I fixed what I noticed. Please forgive me if there is any mistake

Hello to everyone

It's 11:25 PM here so I didn't wish you good night. Because there are people from all over the world on the Platform and the time is different everywhere.

The day is about to end here, I was a little busy during the day and could not publish a new article. But I had the opportunity to read the articles published by other friends. I was truly amazed. He writes very well for everyone. And they talk about very good topics. Others tell sections from their own life. I am both enjoying and being informed while reading them.

I started writing but still haven't put a title for my article. I'm not a writer, but there is one thing I know best: when someone decides to write something, they should first put a title for the text they will write. The most important rule in starting a post is the title. First you need to find a title so that you can continue your writing.

What should be the title of this article?

I will try to express my random thoughts in this article today. In other words, I will try to write down what I sent today, what I remember from what I read, and my conclusions.


Today, my sponsor - my eternal gratitude to him - @Raheela posted an article about an obsession. I hope you are reading. In his article, he talked about his PUBG craze, his obsession. Don't get me wrong when you say obsession, it's not his own obsession, it's the obsession of the people around him. Let me state at the outset that it is not my intention to disparage the PUBG game. My point is that people get too attached to a game. They are tied to the game as if they were stuck in a swamp you know. I read it in an article last year , our friend who wrote the article enters a rakkan to shop , but the shopkeeper does not get up and is not interested . You ask why ? Because he is playing the game and if he quits the game he will die in the game. He told the customer that whatever you want to buy, buy it yourself. Can you imagine? If the man does not earn money and bring bread to his house in real life, he will starve and die or have troubles. But he doesn't fall for it. What is he thinking? If I quit the game, I will die in the game. He was worried about him going to die in the virtual world. Can you believe? He thinks about virtual life, not real life. He won't be playing games from morning till night and making money. What will he say to his family when he goes home in the evening? He doesn't think about it at all. If I remember correctly, a friend of mine, who I personally witnessed, while I was at university, stayed at the game for 12 or 13 hours and did not get up from the computer except when he needed the toilet.

So what do you think we should call this?

Let's not call it an addiction, but what shall we say?

I think this is addiction you know. Virtual Addiction. Excessive drugs, alcohol, etc. We call those who have bad habits bad addicts, or I think it's the same thing.

I've never played this game, I didn't even wonder. So, wait, let me see what is this game? Why is everyone hooking on it? I even wondered and looked.

Today, my sponsor - my eternal gratitude to him - @Raheela posted an article about an obsession. I hope you are reading. In his article, he talked about his PUBG craze, his obsession. Don't get me wrong when you say obsession, it's not his own obsession, it's the obsession of the people around him. Let me state at the outset that it is not my intention to disparage the PUBG game. My point is that people get too attached to a game. They are tied to the game as if they were stuck in a swamp you know. I read it in an article last year , our friend who wrote the article enters a rakkan to shop , but the shopkeeper does not get up and is not interested . You ask why ? Because he is playing the game and if he quits the game he will die in the game. He told the customer that whatever you want to buy, buy it yourself. Can you imagine? If the man does not earn money and bring bread to his house in real life, he will starve and die or have troubles. But he doesn't fall for it. What is he thinking? If I quit the game, I will die in the game. He was worried about him going to die in the virtual world. Can you believe? He thinks about virtual life, not real life. He is playing games from morning till night . And dont making money. What will he say to his family when he goes home in the evening? He doesn't think about it at all. If I remember correctly, a friend of mine, who I personally witnessed, while I was at university, stayed at the game for 12 or 13 hours and did not get up from the computer except when he needed the toilet.

So what do you think we should call this?

Let's not call it an addiction, but what shall we say?

I think this is addiction you know. Virtual Addiction. Excessive drugs, alcohol, etc. We call those who have bad habits bad addicts, or I think it's the same thing.

I've never played this game, I didn't even wonder. So, wait, let me see what is this game? Why is everyone hooking on it? I even dont wondered and dont looked.

You see, I think this is a very serious problem. And this should be investigated and a solution should be found.

The people you know broke away from real life, started to live in the virtual world, die, kill, make friends, and bond with each other. Believe me, people are so attached to the virtual world that their neighbor is hungry? is he dead? he doesn't even know about it.

He has only one problem: to survive in the virtual world where he has built a new life for himself. Other than that, he doesn't care about his family, relatives, friends, children, the world in short, real life.

May God save him from this swamp he got stuck in as soon as possible. Amine.

Final Words

Anyway, I'm taking too long, sorry. I hope you don't get bored while reading it. Please, I'm waiting for you to write your opinion in the comments. I have so many things to write in my head. But I think I took it too long. Maybe I'll write my thoughts in another article. Stay well. Take care of yourselves.


The article is my own, my own thoughts. I have not plagiarized anywhere. I took the photos I used myself

$ 0.11
$ 0.03 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.03 from @Ellawrites
$ 0.02 from @cinderella
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2 years ago


Help me find a reliable property management huntington. I will be glad to any advice.

$ 0.00
3 months ago

I do not understand what you want

$ 0.00
3 months ago

I also play some games before just for enjoyment. But I am a kind of person that when I don't get any benefit from doing something, I would eventually get tired of doing it. Then, I started playing games again but this time, the games I am playing are paying with cryptocurrency. Not that much but it is better way to spend time.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I played the game like you did. but anything else is like a disease. it's addiction

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was once addicted with games especially Mobile Legend but I'm did manage of that cause I know it's just my way to kill time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

this is a waste of time. lost time cannot be recovered

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, it is just my way of joining my friends.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As I said in the article, friendships established in the virtual environment

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree 👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The only measurement that a government should do, Is to make this game. They have put restrictions and fare charges on it. Otherwise this Game has already devasted the future of millions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Certainly, the rulers of the country should deal with this issue and find a solution to it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago