Music on our Moods

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2 years ago

What I Like

I listen to a variety of music. I can listen to anything from early jazz music to some heavy metal. I can say that I don't really have a favorite type. When I was younger I preferred heavy metal but as I got older I really opened to almost everything . I even like today's pop culture music which some close to me find strange. Most men my age get stuck on music they listened to growing up. I just like what my mind tells me has a good beat. What music do you listen to?

What I Dont Like

There are some categories of music I don't like. I think I'm not alone with this, everybody has preferences. I'm not a big fan of hard core country. I just don't like the beat and the message ( drinking) in most songs. I'm also not big on rhyming and sexual content rap music. Nothing drives me more crazy when I have a passenger in my car and they mess with my radio and turn it to something that I don't like . Hey the driver has the controls keep your hands to yourself, haha. My son likes to do this all the time. Do you have music you don't care for?

Happy Music

If you have read some of my articles you know I deliver food and merchandise part time. Well when I drive I listen to music on my car radio. I listen to today's top 40 music stations. Why? I think it puts me in a good mood and makes time flies by. If you could see me you might see me lip singing, tapping my hand on something, and making some small movements. I may start in a meh mood but as I listen to more and more music I get in a good mood. This is a win because I interact with merchants and customers. If I'm in a bad mood it could affect my tips. Also if I have issues I can better handle them if I'm in a good mood versus being in a bad mood.

Work Out Music

I listen to a mix of metal and classic rock music when I weight lift. This brings out the Alpha in me, the lion, here me roar, haha. Yes music that gets my heart pumping, watch me beat my hands on my chest like Tarzan. Actually I think it gets me an extra rep here and there, no lie. When I run I prefer a little softer version of metal and classic rock. Just a tad to trick my mind that I'm not running.

Chilling out music

Alright I like to spend time outside let's imagine me by a camp fire. Yes I do this in my back yard I have a fire pit back there. I prefer to listen to 80s and 90s music because this gives me glimpses of my past. Sometimes it sets the mood to think of things to try in the future like the next day or further out. Hmm maybe a future article to write about,haha. I haven't had a good wood burn in awhile and haven't since I started writing again :-)

A Rap on This

So what do you think, can music cause a mood swing? It does for me anyways. I can be unhappy and listen to tunes for awhile and bang I'm not as unhappy. I try not to listen to sad music or music that brings back bad memories, bad juju right?

A special thank you for reading again. I hope you all enjoyed and keep visiting. Take care and hope your minds are flowing with ideas to write about.

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2 years ago


I don't have a favorite music too Bob. I listen to songs depending on my mood. If I am depressed or feeling sad I listen to Christian songs. It helps me to relax my mind and connect to God

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks Alice music can be a healer. I was kind of proud of this article back when I wrote it. It turns out to be one of the lowest paid articles, lol. Doesn't it usually turn out that way?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're welcome Bob. That's normal Especially that Rusty is not that active in upvoting than before.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Music affects us in many ways. There are those that I would find that I like when before I don't and vice versa. Really depends on the mood. Not a fan of most raps or other genres or songs where the lyrics have no meaning at all. Then again, if the beat is good and my mood is good, I don't mind lol!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ya sometimes I'll like a song only sometimes. This is probably why I can't say I have a favorite genre. Thanks for stopping by. Let the beat go on lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I Love and enjoy reading your thoughts about music.

Well, for me Music heals my soul, takes me up to some most beautiful recalls, and inspires me to let live again. And my favorite genre of music is a mixture of classical and pop songs.


$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you so much for dropping by. The one thing good about music is it has its reaches all across the globe. It's interesting to see how music plays across different cultures.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha it is really offending when someone interrupt to the music while driving. Everyone has their own choices. I like Sufi music and Naat by Cokestudio to comfort my mind and soul.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha I know especially when it's a good song, right? Never listened to either of your music genre. The good thing is I can with you tube, hehe. I'll check them out on curiosity. Take care thanks for stopping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It seems that you really love music. Music has a great impact on our lives every day, it goes along with our emotions and feelings, and can really lift up our moods.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks. Yes I agree with the impact music has on us. Thanks for stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago