My LIFE as Single Mom

Avatar for Chin-chin
3 years ago

Hello people of! How are you guys? So it's my 4th day here but these past 2 day only that I've been active here.

As I observed here for past two days of reading and Commenting like what @wakeupkitty said to me to those post that catch my attention like poems, short story, life experience and many more even the short post that really make my brain function to think what do I need to comment for the specific questions like some post of @Winona It's really enjoyable and challenging.

So let's start now, today's topic is all about "My LlFE as Single Mom", I like free writing that is why I choose this topic.

Single Mother defines for raising a child with her own without the help of a partner or spouse.

There are many reasons why a woman choose to become a single mom.

  • Some of this are because of early pregnancy.

  • Some are from accident or abusive way like rape.

  • Some are from being died of a partner that becomes a single mom.

  • Some are from having trouble with a partner so it choose to leave and become independent while raising a child.

Those are some of the reason I know, So Where do you think I am belong why I choose to live like this.

  • Some are from having trouble with a partner so it choose to leave and become independent while raising a child.

Yes Im belong with reason, last 2015 since I started to became a single mom due to having trouble with my ex partner, he always drunk almost every day, his salary got in trouble due to high needs of alcohol, and when he was in state of alcohol he created fights with other neighbors after that he created fights with me too. And when I'm at work and went home, instead of having food in the table I always faced with alcohol guy in front of me. Till the time that I got tired and give up everything and choose to be single mom, I choose to raise my child on my own.

Before I felt really devastated, and thought of what other will said to me. But who cares, I'm tired, I don't want to raise my child seeing those bad habbits that his father did. I want my child raise in a nice and respectful surroundings.

Yes being a single mom, is really hard, I can be a father and mother at the same time. But with the help of my family, they are always support my descision and they guide me on how I will raise my child on my own.

Here are some of the things that I learned to make everything easy in my side while raising my child and at the same time for being a career woman too.

  • Time management, It's the most important on how I devide my time in an specific task. So I have time to work and I have time to my child and have time to do all mothers duty task.

  • Embrace household chores , in my every day Life I need to be a super man, I need to do multi tasking work. Including household chores, I need to to think the best way on how I can do all it , how I can devide my time to finish all that.

  • Do possible thing at night before , as I experienced it really helps me to do some task like house hold chores in night time when the child is sleeping, so in the morning only preparing foods , taking him to school, and some left task in the only thing that I need to do. This time I will have more free time to.

  • Go to see Doctor, as single mom that raise a child independently I learned to takecare of my self too, Having an annual checkup so I am aware on how is my condition now, so If I have a health problem then it will cure as soon as possible, it's important because no one will takecare of my precious son if something happens to due to health issue.

  • Be contented on what is in front of you, it simple that I need to teach my son the word contentment, I am trying to teach him the values of the things in front of us, ( like for example if we are in a supermarket and he want to have a toy, I'll teach him on be contented on what ever you I will to him. So he's not requesting for more and like the more he see toys the more he want to get it. ) It's like " Teach your daughter/son not be rich but to value all simple thing that he/she has for a better future"

Maybe raising a child independently is really hard but when the time that he become successful in life and we'll mannered individual in future all hardship that mother have done will turn in a sweet success.

So that's it for now guy, I hope you understand my simple single mother life as of now. It's the result of reading some topics in homepage that gives me an idea what to write. I know it's not like a professional writer but I am happy to make this.

I want to say thank you too @Ashma for always guiding me and support me. And to her Community which giving a sponsorship to new authors like me. If you want to know more about the details on how to get sponsorship from her please visit this Community link below. 

If you haven't my subscriber and you see my article interesting for you, kindly subscribe and like my post. It's my 2nd articles after my introduction. I will appreciate it you read this.

Thank you it's Chin-chin again, and see you for my next article title " GRATITUDE"

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3 years ago
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Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. I just hope you're always happy with you life today. I wish you to stay strong so that you can support you child.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi yes I am happy now, I am glad that I can make that kind of descision. It makes my life more happy less stress,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's good. It will help you to become more positive in your life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am glad that you enjoy participating in my short post. I'd also like to commend you for your courage in raising your child independently. You are a great parent I'm sure.❤😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello dear @Winona Yes I really enjoy your short post about some situation, it challenge me a lot. And thank you for always giving me some upvotes I appreciate it and it motivates me to write. God bless and thank you again.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Inspiring, keep it up. God bless you. I know its very hard to be a single mom

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi @Hari YES it's hard but as long as I am happy I can enjoy it. I appreciate you read my post.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think you did the right thing. It's better for your kid to grow up without a dad than to have a drunk, beating dad all the time. It's hard for you, but I'm sure it's better.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello sir thank you for your good Comment, yes you are right. It's really better for my child to live far away from his dad. I have peace of mind now tho it's really hard but atleast I am happy and I know my child is in good family now together with my parents.

Thank you also for the upvotes . I appreciate it. God bless you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago