Good day readers! How are you. ?
I am newbie here in site.
Before I write my introduction article , I visit the homepage because I want to be familiarize for what I will write and I notice that this site has more post of about Bitcoin Cash. I have read some articles and most of it are about BCH , and some are poems, travel and stories of daily life, honestly I don't understand or what they mean especially for some long articles about bitcoincash.
I'm newbie also in the world of crypto currency honestly I don't have much idea about Bitcoin, Bitcoincash aside from cash in and cash out. But when it comes to history or any information regarding bch I don't know really like what I read earlier in the homepage it's more on bch information, so that is why I'm glad that I joined here. It's an opportunity for me to know more about bitcoincash and any other coins but Im happy too if I can write my own stories.
So let me introduce my self first.!
I'm Chin-chin Dizon, I'm 28 years old a single mother of one boy. Since the pandemic was started few months ago , I have no choice but to stay at home. Because of that I search in the internet on how I can earn some amount so I can help my son, so I can feed him. Then I try to search on Facebook ads and one post caught my attention. It says that I can earn #BCH just by writing an articles or stories so I click the link and this site showed up.
Honestly Im not good in writing stories or even an article but like what I said earlier I want to earn and to learn also. I want to learn more about BCH I want to be aware in all about crypto currency and I want to challenge my self if I can really write an article with good content that will make other writers to read my publish.
For all the members here, please help me to know more about Bitcoin cash, I'm open to accept your advice, guidelines , tips and tutorials on how to write a proper article so I can write good content for the following days.
This is for now guys. Thank you again.
See you for my next article.
I'm not a professional writer but I appreciate if you read it.
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