This or That Questions—Student Edition

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Write

I finally want to do this. I have read several articles on this or that questions and since then, I have took interest in it. I thought of what to write and when I wasn't satisfied with what I could come up with, I checked the internet. I saw a whole lot of this or that questions but decided to go with the one for students.So, here I would be asking some questions and also answering them. Since it's a student edition, I would be discussing school related questions.

Let's get into it.

Start assignment immediately or wait until the last minute?

I would prefer to start immediately. I start early I finish early; I start late, I finish late. When I'm done, I know I'm done and that way I can attend to other things. Let's do it and forget about it abi? But the truth is I don't do this all the time. I'm guilty of waiting until the last minute. I can be lazy sometimes which usually cost me a lot-my sleep, I might not even have time to eat as I would want to meet up with the deadline. If I start my assignment early, I would be able to do some research, ask friends, add my own knowledge but I wait until the last minute, it's most likely I am going to do copy write. Whatever I see that looks like the answer, I will just write it down.

Forget your pencil or forget your notebook?

This one is quite easy. I would rather forget my pencil. As long as I am with my notebook, I can just ask around for anyone with an extra pencil and write draw or whatever I have to do. But if I am to forget my notebook, I have to write in another book and on getting home, I still to transfer what I've written to the original book. Or I can choose not to write at all and just have to wait till the next day when I will come to school with my book, borrow a friend's book and copy. That's kind of stressful. I would go with forgetting my pencil.

Teacher reads my text message aloud or teacher tells the whole class my grade?

Ahh, warris all this? 😂I'm still not sure of which one to pick. I think I'd just go with the teacher telling the whole class my grade. My grade shouldn't be that bad. So, he/she is free to tell the whole class of it. And even if it is bad, the class laughing at me would only push me to do better right? And in my class, we tell one another our grade whether good or bad. Anybody can ask me what I scored in a particular test or exam and I can walk up to anybody and ask them about theirs. We are free with each other so, I don't think that's a big deal. But a teacher reading out my text message to the whole class can be embarrassing. The message will conceivably be a not very good one. So, no I don't want.

Spelling bee or math bee?

For me, it's spelling bee all the way. I'm not very good in maths talk less of a competition. I can still try in spelling. Although, the words can be confusing as the pronunciation might be sometimes different from the actual word.

Save as you go or save at the end?

I'd rather save as I go which is what I usually do than save at the end. I believe it's easier to save little by little than to just take everything you earn and save it at once. It might even end up affecting you.

Pen or pencil?

Let me just go for pen. I don't really need pencil in school since I'm not studying an architecture or engineering course or art course. Although, in some courses I need pencil to draw a diagram. I don't draw as well. It's not my talent. So, I mostly write. I'm always with a pen.

Messy locker or tidy locker?

I mean who doesn't like a clean environment? Everyone does but not everyone can keep it clean. I prefer a tidy locker to a messy one. I can't deny that my locker gets messy at times which in turn makes it difficult for me to find whatever I am looking for. I would embrace a tidy locker then.

That will be all. Thanks for reading this🥰🥰🥰

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Write


I always like to start my assignment early and end early cos by that, I will have rest of mind but if I didn't start early, my mind will always be there and I won't rest at all. So, most time I do my assignment early except for the few ones I don't know and make up my mind to copy which is very rare.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's better. You get to do other things once you are done with it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'd rather do my assignments as early as I can for a better result. I'm not into rush because I cannot focus that much. Hello there, nice to meet you!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nice to meet you too, teacher Lyn

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can I try this too? Anyway, about the third question, I would rather select that my teacher tells about my grade. I have a good grade (not the best) in our class, so I think that's just fine.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You can go ahead and try it... Since your grade is something you are proud of then it's fine

$ 0.00
2 years ago