Things are getting better

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1 year ago

We crave for positive changes at one point of our life, in our family, our workplace, our society and our country at large. Sometimes we give hope because what we see or are seeing is not encouraging at all.

Well, in my country, Nigeria, I'm beginning to notice some improvements. Just like the saying goes-to every bad side, there is a good side. Although, the economy isn't so good, security issue is getting worse, schools has been on strike for almost six months now and the rate of poverty is increasing day by day. Still, my country is not all bad.

I noticed something of recent, which is the constant supply of electricity. Power supply has been very regular these days and not just that, the light has been full. I mean high current. The Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) had proved they are up to their task. They have been doing well. Even right now, there is rain.

In some countries they hardly take their light. It's usually on 247. They don't know what God has done for them 😁.

Seriously, things are getting better. At least, I can point to something tangible.

About some months ago, we were happy yet worried about how regular they kept on giving us light because whenever it's like that, you have to suffer not having light for months. Then, they will give us light for a few days and withhold it for a whole month. It was that bad. You might even be lucky they bring it but it might be low-current.

Then, you would have to go to your neighbour's house to charge or pay to charge for people that do it as a business except you have a personal generator or a solar panel (s). Although, this is now affecting those that collect people's phone, batteries, power bank and help them charge in exchange for money. Now business is low for them.

Even people from other states confirmed this. I thought this good thing happening was just in my area until I found out from a friend that they are experiencing same too and jokingly she said at this point they have to start begging PHCN to take off the light. I'm so glad about this.

I hope it stays this way. It would make things easier. Now, we don't have to worry about preserving things since our refrigerator now gets powered up, I don't have to iron all my clothes at once since the light is consistent, I can use the electric cooker and save some gas, I don't have to worry about my phone dying as a result of low battery, I can also watch TV often. I can do a lot of things with this great improvement. So, tell me, what more could I ask for?

Thanks for reading 😁

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Written by
1 year ago


That's good to know that there is still hope :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah there is. Thanks for dropping by 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I experienced this while in Ilorin some weeks ago and when I returned back to my place in Ondo, omo! We are begging them to give us light. Thank God for my charged power bank which is helping me for now and I hope they bring it soon.

You are enjoying over there Sha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's such a relief to have regular power supply these days.

$ 0.00
1 year ago