KYC Done for Pi-Network

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Avatar for BlueFlipper
1 year ago

Hello to all the beautiful read dot cash family! How are you?

A high inflation rate is a continuous burden on a family that is living hand to mount. Every day, we explore many platforms to earn as well as learn. Sometimes, we got scammed, and sometimes supported us a lot. I am already a big fan of BCH Community and both dot platforms that Supported me through thick and thin. This time I decided to mint some pi and find my income. I am here on both dot platforms for more than one and half years. Minting of Pi-Coin was a great passion for me hence I decided to take the next step.


This article was shared by the author 
for information purposes only.

What is Pi-Network?

Pi-coin is one of the most discussed coins introduced by Dr-Chengdiao Fan and Dr-Nicolas. It was criticized by people as a scam coin. Till now it has many millions of followers. Its minting is still available and sooner it will available for trading on many platforms. If you want to enjoy Pi-minting then click here.


In the advancement time, there the development of millions of coins in the market. Cryptocurrency is the future of the coming era. After COVID, people hesitate to use hard money. Digital currency has only a future Cryptocurrency. Pi-Coin is one of the currencies that had a lot of fan-following. For detailed information, you need to read an article shared by Tayler Gallagher on Medium. To visit his article you need to click here.

Today when I opened Pi-application for minting, I got good news, "Congrats you are eligible for KYC verification" Some people had started to buy Pi-Coins already. So, I decided to create a Wallet first and then applied for KYC verification. KYC verification included the following steps.

  • Selection of Verification Documents

  • Uploading of Data

  • Video Recording

Selection of Verification Documents

First of all, you need to install the Pi browser and open your Pi application. Click on the Pi-browser option to apply for verification. There are following three options for verification.

  • Verification through ID Card

  • Verification Through Passport

  • Verification through other supporting Documents

Uploading of Documents

The next step is uploading Documents and confirming of data you have put there. There is a strict need to validate your data and it must be according to your verification documents. You need to confirm all data you have provided. Any wrong data can reject your application. Hence, you need to check everything First name, middle name, last name, CNIC or Passport Number, and Address at the first and second lines. Your Pictures should be clear. Any blur background will result in rejection.

Video Recording

The last step is video recording without voice. It needed to confirm you are alive. It again included two phases.

  • Snap of your Clear face

  • Snap of your chin

After this three verification, you need to submit your application for verification. They processed it and will rectify it. After confirmation of your application, you can withdraw and transfer your Pi coins to another wallet. In this way, you can trade your coin from wallet to wallet. I hope this KYC Information will be enough for your guidance and you can comment your any questions.

Closing Thoughts

Without risk in any part of life, we can't get success. In cryptocurrency, there are a lot of red alerts and risks. It is up to you either you can take risky steps or you just give up. I applied for verification because I am hopeful Pi-Network will grow and this new coin will make revolutionary progress. Blogging is my strength but I love to trade and Minting. It is my first minting platform where I love to interact and mint coins. Before investment and minting, there is a good need to make research. Hence, I shared some of the links above for your help.

Thanks for reading and supporting me.

$ 3.54
$ 3.27 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
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Avatar for BlueFlipper
1 year ago


I always forget to do my Pi KYC. Thanks for the reminder. I will find time to do it. I always forget to mine too. I will begin to do it back

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Wish you best of luck sister. I hope it will be a good reminder for you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have been on the pi network but I always forget to mine lol, thanks for sharing, maybe I will get back to it.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You can enjoy free minting with good possibility of earning.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I haven't come across Pi network until now.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You can know all information through blue links, I provided in my article.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I always take the risk in Crypto. You'll never know but I'm gambling it. And never heard of this Pi Network! Very best of luck my dear!

$ 0.02
1 year ago

There is good need to use this coin. You can know each and everything through links I provided.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is so good and nice and informative ad well. Which app supports Pi and how to get some easily?

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You need to click on blue option in my article. It will directly option site, I had mentioned.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I've been minting pi since last year but I am not consistent and so up until now my pi coins are still small and I haven't verify my account too so thank you for this as it reminded me to do my KYC☺️.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

If you are interested in Pi-Network then must go for KYC verification.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I joined this pi mining recently and I remembered seeing a notification on KYC verification and I removed it because bi wasn't ready for it yet. I just hope it'll pop up again soonest

$ 0.02
1 year ago

For withdraw you need KYC verification. Thanks for sharing your opinion with me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't know why I didn't believe in it and think it's a scam I minted some coin almost 2 years ago but then I uninstalled the application because I am not a fan of long-term holding being a student I need money every time that's why I prefer quick earning platforms

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It all depends on you and your selection. I want to hold and learn from it. Hence, I decided to KYC verification.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

How can i get free pi coins? help!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Just you need to click on blue option in my article. You will get one Pi as a gift.

$ 0.00
1 year ago