7 Funny Questions I love to be asked

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1 year ago

Hello to all the beautiful read dot cash Community! How are you?

Today, I am feeling better from yesterday's sadness. My mind was crazy and I was feeling non-productive. I am happy, I can recover from a dead carcass. Thanks to Pinterest that always had something funny for me. I found 21 Questions in a post but I shall like to answer 7 because they are funny and good to answer.

(Image Source)

What word do you think is fun to say?

There are many things, we found funny in different parts of our life. Your fun zone can be different from mine. Moreover, these fun words changed from one location of debate to another. In relationships, I had seen some funny words that might be for you, or you might have a different opinion than me. When I was in University, I had seen many couples that use different words beyond reality. I never took them seriously because they are fun for me. Whenever I observed a couple speaking these words. I started to laugh unconsciously.

"I can't live without you" or "You are my first and last love" or " You are my last hope, don't leave me alone"

I respect the above words and can feel the love embedded in these words. But what about the person who always speaks these words for any other lover? Hence, I consider them funny and laugh to hear them.

What do you think is the most relaxing Sound?

Everyone had a different relaxing source. Someone enjoyed music in their lonely time and others had different relaxing sounds. I love to hear Azan from any Mosque. The words of Azan give energy to my soul. You can have different relaxing sounds than me.

Have you ever Invented anything?

I had invented something cool in my life. It was my first Invention for me but I feel proud of it. I was in FSC class when our lab was short of Incubator. We were making an experiment for the Incubation of eggs. I talked to my teacher, "Don't worry sir, tomorrow I would introduce an incubator here for our experiment. The whole lab class started to laugh and criticized my words. When I turned home, I burnt candle day and night in inventing an Inventor for lab class" On the other day, when I entered the class with a manually invented Incubator, my teacher was feeling proud and the whole class made clipping for me. This is what I invented the first time and still, I had it in my room.

What holiday do you think has the best food?

Every year, we had some religious festivals that had separate dishes for us. Might be, there will be the same festivals for your enjoyment and entertainment. At the end of the Islamic Year, We have Eid-ul-Azha. At this eid Festival, we sacrifice a lot of animals like Camels, Cows, Buffaloes, Goats, and Sheep. On this day, we divide the meat into poor. On this auspicious day, there will be five days' holidays from the government in the whole country. These are the holidays I had ever enjoyed in my life and had the best food to eat.

What smell transports you to a special memory?

We have five lovely God-gifted senses. I love and am thankful to God for having them. I was in my second year during my University Carrier. I used a special perfume with a flower and chocolate smell. When I entered the class, my teacher got a stand from his chair and the whole class started to praise this perfume. It was a special American Perfume gifted by my neighbor. Till now, when I smelled this perfume, my memory was transported to this event.

Did you ever have a recurring Nightmare?

We all have faced many types of nightmares in our life. It can be due to stress, accident, problems, and many other reasons. I was twenty years old when I was under severe stress because my Persian cat was suffering from respiratory issues. For seven days, I was feeling her pain. One night, I dreamt my meow is not able to breathe anymore and died. I woke up screaming. When I went near to it, it was dead. It was a recurring Nightmare still fresh in my mind.

What was the most meaningful gift you have ever received and given?

I already described a gift received from my neighbor. I love to have and gift perfumes. Because I love to smell and want to recognize people from their smells 😂. Last time, I gifted a perfume near to my heart. Still, she is thankful to me because I am good at finding good perfume 😂.

OMG, I had done with seven funny questions. I hope, you enjoyed them. Feel free if you want to answer them and must mention them to me.

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1 year ago


I really smiled a lot after reading your first funny answer "I can't live without you" , "You are my first and last love"🤣 Although all people are not same but mostly just cheater😿. Anyhow really enjoying your answers and reading different facts about you and especially about your first invention.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

If you know then I had written all the famous deceiving quotes 😂.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Interesting questions collections it has , I may use it to make a blog, hehe. By the way even if I like perfumes, I can't have them or smell them for long because I am allergic to them.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I can't wait more for reading your answers. Guy, you have magical mind must answer and mention me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I like the sound of rain too :) Music affects us all differently.

I agree with food. I think it's not about the food per se but the joy and happiness and all the good vibe that holidays/festivities bring :)

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Exactly festivities give us separate joy and happiness. Thanks for always with me with good vibes.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Now that Christmas is nearing, people seem to be more happier these days :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey I soent some time in Saudi Arabia seen many camels. I didn't realize they turned up on the table. Also never seen them on menu at any of the restaurants I visted. Have you had if you so how does it taste? 🤔 camel shawarma??

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It gives taste of salty meat. It is too much delicious, you can find its meat in Gulf Countries.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I would have certainly tried the few visits I was over there. I never thought to ask as I was stuffing my young self than with shawarma quite often. In America I still haven't found one quite like over there.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha yes i can't live without you is seems funny in this era 😂🤣🤣 like it lost it's value with time 😂

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It will lose its value with more time and tide. Thanks for always your surprising words.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're welcome 🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

For me, the most relaxing sound is the sound of splashing waves, the ocean rather. Whenever we go to the beach for a vacation, I felt relaxed and I will be able to fix my thoughts and emotions.😊

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You have good perception in dealing with these sounds. Thanks for always bringing good words for me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What do you think is the most relaxing Sound?

It's the sound of music for me, not just music but a music I love. And also, the sound of rain drops on my roof

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Sound of raindrops is even good source of sound for me. Thanks for sharing your views with me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love the way you answer all this questions, although there is little experience shift with my answers. beside, are you a Muslim?

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Thanks for visiting and appreciation, yup I am Alhamdolilah Muslim. What about you?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Never mention, I'm just being on a detective mode right now, I took a long break and I'm back for good. You are in my list now. I'm a Muslim as well. Your name? I'm yusuf

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is nice to interact with you. I am Dr-Zeshan from your CLUB1BCH. Nice to meet you and welcome back.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

WOW! I had encounters with dr-zeshan but I don't know you are the one behind this name. Good to know you then.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What do you think is the most relaxing Sound? Rain sounds for sleeping and studying.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Your choice is different than me. I love to sound what you not. Thanks for answering and commenting on my article.

$ 0.00
1 year ago