Lend Us Your Ears.

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She used to be very friendly. She was fun to be with. Amongst all her family members, she is known as talkative. They mostly call her "talkative of the house". I think there's something general about talkative like me. We don't know how to keep malice with a fellow human being. As I was saying, she's a talkative and also a kind-hearted person. Having a kind close to you is a blessing. Hold them right!!! But, there are many things she does, and her family members are not fully in support of it. What does she do? She's a lover of pierces, tattoos, semi-nude dresses, leg chains, and other accessories. I know it's cool to train your child in the right way but I feel like we should always understand our children. I know a lot of people that we're brought up in religious families but were sent packing due to the lifestyle that they have chosen. For instance, if you have a child that loves to play football every time, leave the child and let him choose his career path. I've noticed that most parents want their children only to go to school and do office work at the end of the day. I don't think it's nice. Let them find the hidden treasure in them and work on it!!.

As I was saying, she loves all kinds of wild fashion. She has been telling every of her family members that she wants to be an actress. No one answered or created time for her to explain her point clearly. All they wanted for her was to get an office job. They all turned deaf ears to her daily clamors. Things changed and she went through hard times at home. They didn't love her like they used to. They're killing her vibe!!! I like the fact that the girl has a spirit of perseverance. She still tried to explain to her family members and even promised to make them proud. Let's pause. Be sincere with yourself right now. If you were the one, what would you do? Would you leave the house or what exactly are you going to do? Due to the hardship, she was going through, she missed so many movie auditions which could have turned her into a superstar. She became melancholic and no longer spends beautiful time with her family members. She became sober and prayed over it every time.

She got another audition and tried to go for it without letting any of her family members know about it. She was very good at acting but she didn't perform well at the auction. Why? She didn't perform well because she had no one to support her. She also didn't perform well because she was melancholic. She was sent outta the audition hall and went home that day. Even when she got home, she didn't have anyone to talk to about how she spent her day. Her family members killed her vibe💔💔. I'm sure some of y'all will think that since she's talented, her vibe can't be killed. It's a lie!!!! A talent is just like a pencil. If you don't sharpen it, it won't write again.

It's very understandable for a parent to dislike the career path of his or her child. But whenever the child keeps on ringing the bell of what he wants in your ear, the right thing for you to do is to support and guide them instead of scolding them. Family support is the major and pure kind of support. When your family members support you, it's going to make you go harder because you already know that you have people that love what you do.

Dear parents, listen to us😪.

Lend us your listening ears😪

Please listen to us.

We need you in all ramifications😊.

Support us because we need it🙏.

If you're a parent that doesn't show any form of support to your child, please stop it. Begin to show a maximum form of support🙏 and I know that you'll be proud of them.

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Happy reading😊😊

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Most times parent are scared of allowing their children go with their decision, simply because they are not fully convince such a child could handle such a role. Most times , they need us to convince them that we are able to do it

$ 0.00
1 year ago

"Talent is just like a pencil. If you don't sharpen it, it won't write again." I love these sentences. This remind us that talent should be used most of the time for it to improves too and it won't be taken away.

I felt sad for that child, hopefully time will come that her family will listen to her and support her in the things she wanted.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're right. Whatever talent we have, let's keep practicing

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't know if you're a Christian but in the Bible there were mentioned about the talents. The three were given talents, the two use it and have additional talents. While the one never use it and God takes it from him because he never use it. So, let's use our talent for good.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We should understand our children what they want. Yeah we can't decide carrier of our kiddos without knowing their desires. Acting is one of the tough part of any movie, drama, advertisement and even real life. We came to know about it when we are not able to solve things.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're right We gotta know what our children want so we will lead then through the right path

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I always follow my parents even for my dream, that time I apply for an application to the University I chose I send my assessment form and in my assessment form I write the program that I want which is to be an architect, after a month the University send a letter to me saying that I passed the entrance examination, Im so excited but my my parents ask me a favor to be a teacher instead of being an architect. Though its a hard decision I followed them and forget my dream to be an architect.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow. This is serious. I'm sure you're now a teacher. How do you feel being a teacher right now? Do you enjoy the work?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Its fulfilling, though part of my profession is to be stressed all day 😭😭 Im used to it. But the most fulfilling part is when I shared my knowledge to my students. I handle Science subject like, physics, chemistry and biology.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

For me as a parent,I love my child so much and i will protect her over my life,and all I want for her is to have a bright future.in terms of abmbition,we should support them with all our hearts to make them feel that they are important and valuable to their parents but in a proper guidance and good advices

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Parents now know all these things but still sticked with that old belief of "my child must go school and work in office of a big company". Like, do they know how much footballers are earning??🤷

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Make me sef begin to dey play football ooh😅😅

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Please do, I naturally fall in love with ladies that play football. So I go just...🤪

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sometimes you just need to open your ears to listen, even though you do not want to support them. Just know what they were up to, as a family.

$ 0.00
1 year ago