Live longer in a sharper mind through intermittent fasting

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1 year ago

Some fifty years ago, humans could easily maintain a healthy lifestyle by keeping their body in shape. Those days, computers were so rare, mobile phones were non-existent and TVs were switched off earlier. People often go to bed after dinner. Also, there were no mobile or video games, so all recreational activities were done outside, hence exercising the body.

But today, all forms of media are readily accessible. Infact alot of young folks prefer watching movies, gaming and chatting through out the night rather than sleeping. And ofcourse , we have our snacks and soda nearby to keep us company while we binge hence adding extra calories and unwanted fats. One if the reasons why some folks look older than their age or might even start developing a circulatory/ cardiac problem without being aware.

What is intermittent fasting?

Unlike dieting, intermittent fasting does not show you what to eat, it aims that showing you when to eat by following a regular plan in order maintain an ideal body metabolism. Intermittent fasting comes in different plans. You could decide to stay off food for six- fifteen hours a day either eating once or twice a day depending on how you would like it. In some cases, an individual could even eat once in three days. Infact, the longer the abstinence, the greater the reward. But always seek for medical advice before choosing a routine since the body systems varies from one person to another.

Through intermittent fasting, the body is able to deplete it's sugar stored and start burning fatty cells for it's energy requirements .

Do you know that fasting not only help you shed weight but also save you from diseases by boosting your immunity. Your internal organs are protected from conditions like diabetes, heart problems, tissue damage and even cancers.

I remember I when I use to complain of pains at the back of my knees from time to time. I googled the reason and I found out that I had a high level of cholesterol in blood since most of our foods are prepared with oils

Instead of taking medications, I took the initiative of eating just once a day for three days and eating twice for the remaining days of a week. And when it's time to eat again, I mostly use unrefined carbohydrates, leafy grains and fruits. Ever since I started this routine, the knee pains vanished. Yes! Intermittent fasting could protect you from age-linked genetic disorders like joint pains and arthritis.

Intermittent fasting could also increase your performance level. People who fast habitually have more endurance and could do better at a physical activity like running. This is because they have been able to shed unnecessary fats while maintaining a decent muscle mass when compared to people who are slightly fatter. You also get to maintain concentration and maintain a sharper mind when you discipline your stomach.

I read an article of @Princessbusayo where she talked about getting tired after a heavy meal and she wrote the answer; oxygen is drawn from the brain towards the stomach to aid digestion. That's why we feel lazy when we always eat.

It has also been proven that eating less could clear the body system of accumulated toxins. Just picture how a gutter would look clean after clearing it. That's all your blood would look and flow properly when you don't always stuff it with food. Hence, if there's any poisonous substance hidden somewhere in your system, it would easily be detected and your body's defence system could flush it out wiithout any obstruction.

You could look younger everyday !


Thanks for reading.

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1 year ago


The only medical adviser I know on read cash. Thanks for this info.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

🤣🤣🤣. E dey sweet mee

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think that's why we are given at least 12-hour interval between dinner and breakfast to do just that :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I knew about the medical importance of fasting when a doctor in our local church came to educate us on fasting. We all laughed at it because we thought it's the pastor's doing to help encourage us with the upcoming 21days fasting...for spiritual purpose 😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Even me when I was younger my mother insist that I should be fasting on a certain day of the week. She said it will make me more intelligent but I no gree. I thought she was trying to curb my glutonny 😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Another wonderful article I read today. Intermittent fasting! That is so great and could help one entirely. For me, I do fast once in a week and some times, I don't eat much in a day and it could be once or twice, depending on my mood and system then.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You could Google search for more health benefits. This is just a rough summary

$ 0.00
1 year ago