Day 2 of Eid, spent the whole Eidi which I accumulated on First day

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I took long time to publish this article, yesterday when I got home back i wasn't in the mood of writing. And just completing the formality of publishing daily articles with zero effort is not my aim. I have started working here with keen and i want to put my sincere effort here. That's why first I completed my sleep, made my mind refresh and then open, so finally I'm here.

The amount I accumulated on the first day of eid was not enough without the weightage which my maternal uncle added in my eidi. AS all the chores had been finished on the first day of eid, the second thing to do was, where to hang out with cousins ?

Creating plans is easy but accomplishing it is really hard. We decided number of places but visited only our near newly developed Markaz.

Here in my country, 2nd day of eid is considered as International Nani Day because everyone rushes towards their nani home for eidi and eid greetings. In my case my Grandmother is in America, so going to her home is gonna a bit dreamy that's why we celebrated our international Nani day through video call only.

Till evening only tentative plans were popping up in the everyone's mind. Because the targeted place of one cousin was opposite of desired place of other cousin Lol. This eid we excluded the presence of children in our plan because they are best known spoiler of enjoyment. My elder married sister, with her two children was a another competitive task to adjust her in our plan. Finally we dropped her off to my another uncle's home because they already invited her. Afterwards we left for Markaz, we found markaz suitable with different cuisines and their marvelous deal on their meals.

After searching out on Instagram different restaurants and their deals, we found secret sky the best among them. Also the balcony kind of decoration of secret sky made that restaurant everyone's welcome.

The best deal which we found was just in 1300/- four crunches and different kind flavor of pasta just in 1600/-, their fare of sitting was also just rupees 600/-. As we were 4 in number, everything regarding in their menu was just perfect and amazing.

As it took 10 minutes in our food to get ready. In such leisure time, we did another party called as Gossip party and also we took some selfies.

The first day of my eid was boring and useless in term of good eid. But 2nd day was productive. From upcoming Monday, we will be back to our study life. Same, everyone will be gonna get busy with their life too . So, today's gathering In form of eid was such a great way for families to spend their precious time together.

Also the Government, increased the number of eid holy days from 3 days to 4 days. Which is great in term of spending time with families and love one.

Over view of 3rd and 4th day of Eid :

In my home, the beauty of eid is only upto 2 or 3 days. Afterwards it's like normal days mSo, I'm not going to publish anything related to 3rd day of eid and 4th day of eid. Haha that's what I want to clear. Also I don't want to make my reader bore with Consecutive same title of Eid and Eidi.

Disclaim :

No part of this article is taken from any kind of source. Everything i wrote above is based on my own experience. Copyrights reserved @Bibijani01

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I also spend my whole money when my family go for visit to kalarkahar

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kalarkhar where is that, that's what i did on first day accumulated the bucks and on second day spent the whole money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We also celebrate Eid for 3 days but the guest are still at stay. You have wonderful time dear

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes I had but also I was exhausted at first day due to different home tasks but later on i enjoyed it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Here in my country. The first day of Eid is always stressful for me . I have to serve alot of visitors and well wishers returning from the prayer ground coming to pay homage to my parents. And by the time they have all dispersed, I would be too tired to go anywhere. The second day of Eid is suits me best as me and my friends now have the liberty to go out and amuse ourselves.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ahh that's what I mean when I mentioned second day a very productive day of eid in term of outing with friends and cousins although the first day was just full of chores.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly.. trying to keep the house in order before the visitors start trooping in. Dad barking out orders from the sitting room, Mom screaming my name from the kitchen. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The nani part was beyond everything hahaha .. unfortunately we don't visit our nani's palace anymore since her demise but yes when she was with us this was our favorite place to be visited on Eid day 2 .. And yes I had been to secret sky they have amazing food with great ambiance. I had their burgers and pastas the taste was beyond heaven. Happy seeing you trying it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

May Almighty grant her high rank in the jannah.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ameen.. by the way how much eidi did you collect? The picture shows some pretty bucks haha . Overall?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just nineteen hundred and 30 rupees, you can check out my previous article you will get to know about my struggle all the way for eidi. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha that's still amazing, I just got 1k but that alhamdulillah without any struggle haha .. The trend of giving eidi is about to end, what are your thoughts about it ? I mean no one wills to give single penny these days everyone just wants to take. I guess we have to make the trend of giving eidi set again haha just a small thought

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh well I'm now fed up of gatherings, i didn't even get time to sleep better (lol), so i asked my cousin to not even think about coming near me , and they were like you are such an introvert and my father just ordered to get ready as we have to visit my uncles house from the past two days everyone was gathered at our home didn't even got a chance to take a good picture🙄, btw first two days were fun but I'm a little tired.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You still haven't completed your sleep. Lol At first day my condition was literally like homeless because of poor sleep but now I'm having great day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah poor me still I'm wandering here and there with sleepy eyes but wait, wait I remembered something ,have you spend all of your eidi? no way my girl just keep my eidi on one side, as half of it's part is mine , it's responsibility of elders to give eidi to younger ones 😜

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't be worry haha I'll manage

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The foods are mouth watering. Burgers is my favourite food. Anyway it's good to hear you had a productive day on the second day of your Eid celebrations.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah the taste was quite yummy. I've eaten a lot of burger but this resturant was something else.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahahaha. 2nd day is really nano day hehehehe i am also here at my nano home and enjoying alot.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Enjoy, it's already international nani day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Without going to Nani home my Eid is totally incomplete, but as your Nano is out of country so going to outing is the best replacement of it and looking like yesterday you enjoyed a lot with your cousins

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You have got it in appropriate format. Without elder although eid is kind of boring but we managed through it via visiting restaurant's with cousins.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't went anywhere because my mom was sick in 2nd day.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ooho that's sad to know about that. May Almighty grant her quick recovery. Ameen

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In short, you enjoy it a lot I also go to my nano's home on the 2nd day of eid and today come back had a great time together Where did you go deal look reasonable I also wanna go with my siblings ( Macdonald or KFC)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Secret sky, that's why we choosed to get there. There taste was so delicious not only fares. You better try this out.

$ 0.00
2 years ago