Turmeric and honey, the perfect combination for health.

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3 years ago

Turmeric and honey are the perfect combination for good health in literally every sense. This is not just a mere guess, but it represents the official position of a number of world-renowned phytotherapists and doctors around the planet, from east to west. More precisely, from Indian Ayurveda, all the way to modern Western medicine, the healing properties of turmeric are not disputed at all and are not questioned. Therefore, whenever possible, be sure to add this spice to the dish, which can rightly be called an elixir of health.

The healing properties of turmeric have been known for thousands of years

The turmeric plant is an indispensable ingredient in the famous spice mixture known as curry, which gives it a specific yellow color, and has been used in India for more than 1,000 years. In recent decades, its popularity has grown dramatically thanks to numerous scientific studies, which have shown that it is certainly one of the most healing and effective plants on the planet.

Its most important ingredient - curcumin - is considered an extremely strong antioxidant and an even better natural analgesic. The best effect is achieved if pure turmeric extract is used, which is much faster and easier to absorb if mixed with quality black pepper. Namely, pepper contains piperine, which increases the absorption of curcumin by as much as 2,000 percent.

Use of curcumin as a natural analgesic

Inflammations are extremely important. They help the body to defend itself from harmful microorganisms and repair the damage they cause. Without inflammation, pathogens like bacteria can easily take over the body and kill us. However, inflammation can certainly become a big problem in the long run. Chronic inflammation is thought to play a major role in the development of many diseases that include heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome and Alzheimer's.

This is where turmeric and honey come into play, namely research has shown that curcumin is more effective than the usual anti-inflammatory drugs. It successfully blocks NF-κB, a molecule that travels to the cell nucleus and is believed to play an important role in a number of chronic inflammations. So, the secret is in the curcumin bioactive substance that fights inflammation at the level of molecules.

Curcumin protects against heart disease

Turmeric and honey can help prevent heart disease by improving the function of the endothelium, the main lining of blood vessels. It is well known that endothelial dysfunction is the main guide to heart disease, and that it prevents the regulation of blood pressure and blood clotting.

Golden honey slows down the aging of the body

If the spice curcumin can really help prevent heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's, then it can certainly prolong life. Therefore, turmeric and honey have acquired the status of elixirs of youth in alternative medicine.

If we only take into account that inflammation and oxidation accelerate the aging of the entire organism, then this precious mix completely deserves the mentioned name - golden honey. Which is primarily due to the beautiful golden-yellow color that this beneficial Ayurvedic spice gives us ..

Turmeric with honey recipes:

A recipe for detoxifying the body

Peel a cucumber and five carrots. so cut it into pieces and pour into a blender. Add peeled and sliced orange, peeled and sliced two medium lemons (remove the stones) and a piece of peeled ginger root. Blend it for the next few minutes, then add a full tablespoon of turmeric powder. Be sure to sweeten with honey and drink throughout the day.

A natural antibiotic for all ailments

Mix a tablespoon of turmeric, a full cup of honey and the juice of one lemon. Stir a teaspoon of this mixture in a cup of warm water three times a day and drink it.

Just as there is golden honey, we also have golden turmeric milk. It is considered one of the best natural remedies, which has been used in Ayurveda since ancient times.

Boil a quarter of a cup of water and an eighth of a small teaspoon of turmeric (maximum five to eight minutes), and then add a cup of milk (preferably goat's milk) and two tablespoons of almond or coconut oil. As soon as it boils, remove from your stove and leave to cool on the side.

Then add the inevitable spoonful of honey to the milk and drink it in sips.

The combination of turmeric and honey greatly helps in the prevention and treatment of some diseases. You should use this combination as often as possible and it has many benefits for the health of the organism.

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Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago


Yes turmeric have lots of benefits to our human body and usually does not cause significant side effects; however, some people can experience stomach upset, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea. In one report, a person who took very high amounts of turmeric, over 1500 mg twice daily, experienced a dangerous abnormal heart rhythm.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kurkuma je začimba oziroma začimbni prašek rumene barve, ki ga pridobivajo iz korenine ingverju sorodne rastline Curcuma longa. Pri nas uporaba kurkume kot samostojne začimbe vedno bolj uveljavljena, nahaja pa se tudi v raznih mešanicah začimb kot je curry. Kurkuma pa je vsakodnevno uporabljena začimba na Daljnem vzhodu, kjer je njen dom. V Evropo je prispela verjetno prek arabskih trgovcev.Indijski žafran V srednjem veku so jo imenovali indijski žafran. Ime ‘rumena začimba’ označuje eno od uporab kurkume: barvilo, ki pa ni topljivo v vodi, temveč le v masti ali alkoholu. In kje kupiti kurkumo pri nas? Dobimo jo v bolje založenih trgovinah, na policah z začimbami in v nekaterih specializiranih spletnih trgovinah.Močna in zdrava začimba Po okusu je kurkuma blago pikantna, malce grenka, jedka, kot nekakšna mešanica ingverja in pomaranče. Vsebuje mangan, železo, vitamin B6, veliko vlaknin in tudi kalija. Kot rečeno, v tradicionalni indijski in tudi kitajski medicini so jo sprva uporabljali predvsem za zdravilo proti vnetju. Rumeno oranžno barvilo v kurkumi se imenuje kurkumin – in prav to naj bi bilo njena glavna zdravilna učinkovina.

Kurkuma kot rumena rešiteljica za jetra Po tradicionalni vzhodni medicini so zdravilni učinki kurkume med drugim čiščenje krvi in prebavil, pomaga pri težavah z jetri in žolčnikom in pri hepatitisu. Kurkuma vsebuje snov imenovano kurkumin, ki deluje kot stimulant za jetra in žolčnik pri izločanju žolce, bilirubina in pa holesterola. Z leti se izločanje teh snovi pri človeku zmanjša, kar posledično zmanjša tudi absorpcijo hranil, ki so topna v maščobah. Kurkuma tudi ščiti jetra proti strupom in kemikalijami, je učinkovita pri zdravljenju virusnega hepatitisa, izboljšuje izločanje zaščitnih snovi v želodcu, ki ščitijo želodčno steno.Uživanje in uporaba kurkume Uporaba kurkume v naši kuhinji je seveda dobrodošla, priporočena dnevna količina pri uporabi za raznovrstne težave pa je ena polna žlička na dan (približno 4 grame), ki jo razdelimo na 3 dele in užijemo čez dan (zjutraj, opoldne in zvečer), za preventivo pa bo dovolj že pol grama do en gram kurkume na dan. Na Vzhodu prodajajo praviloma cele korenine, z mletjem pa kurkuma skoraj ne izgubi arome. Prašek je pekočega okusa. Kurkuma daje začimbni mešanici kari (kurkuma ima v njej skoraj tretjinski delež) žarečo rumeno barvo. Z njo začinimo in obarvamo riž, gorčico, slaščice, maslo, margarino, sir, ribe, perutnino, meso, ostre, svetle omake, omlete.

Kurkuma je varna za uživanje, saj poleg že omenjenih zdravilnih lastnosti zmanjšuje tudi lepljivost trombocitov, pri tem pa je treba paziti, da je ne predoziramo, če jemljemo kakršna koli zdravila za trombocite ali ob nosečnosti. Kot pri večini zdravilnih rastlin se lahko tudi pri uživanju kurkume pojavijo pri posameznikih določene blage alergijske reakcije, kot je srbečica. V tem primeru jo preprosto speremo in nehamo uporabljati.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bravo,odlična kobinacija .Ja san samo pravila med i djumbir u aprilu jačali imunitet ,zbog korone uplašeni.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its very well for the health. Honey is very useful for human

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dobra kombinacija,.. od ovog moze i da se smrsa. Hehhe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Volim taj ukus..... Kurkuma zuta, djumbir beo i malo ljutkast...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kurkuma i đumbir, moram naučiti razlike i sličnosti. Mnogi pišete o ovoj kombinaciji s medom.

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3 years ago