Addiction to games and the internet.

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Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago

Video game addiction is a growing problem globally. What is the difference between video game enthusiasts and addicts who need professional help?

An addict is, by definition, a person who is occupied with video games to such an extent that he cannot perform daily activities normally. All segments of life are endangered and neglected, because priority is given to playing games, regardless of the negative consequences it brings.

Addiction to video games leaves numerous consequences for the physical health of addicts. There are problems with vision, pain in the cervical spine, curvature of the entire musculature due to incorrect body position for several hours. Insufficient movement and sitting at the computer for too long can also cause clots in the legs.

Parents should limit these activities of the child for a while.

Children need to spend their energy differently, more creatively.

If gaming care and the Internet itself are not introduced in the beginning, it can cause some big problems later.

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Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago


Tacno je da zavisnost moze da se formira. Ali, od igrica moze svasta da se nauci, jezik, istorija, geografija, strategija i planiranje, analiza. Takodje, igrice su vrlo cenjene danas, postoje profesionalni igraci koji zaradjuju pravo bogatstvo

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3 years ago

Danasnja deca su zavisna od igrica, ali moramo da priznamo da smo i mi stariji malo zavisni. Inace, svoju decu sam upisala na plivanje, bas iz tog razloga.

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3 years ago

Jao kako mrzim igrice i kad vidim decu da u školi na odmoru igraju na telefonu.Postali su zavisni.Tužna su detinjstva pojedine dece.Zato smo i bolesni sve je napredak tehnike i tehnologije obezvredio.

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3 years ago

Daleko je doguralo , djeca postala ovisna o tome

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3 years ago

Moj sin nije imao telefon, ali igrao igricu na komp, ali vise vremena provodio u crtace,na meni bilo sve, rucak, kuca, nisam obratila paznju, dete mi imalo problem sa govorom. Kcerki tek skoro sam dozvolila da igra al ograničeno. Ona ima 5 godina, ja dalje im ogranicavam vreme sto se tice igrica. Prosle godine eto svojim ocima i usima videla, devojcica 8 razred igrala neku igricu, odjednom dobila presek svesti, ne zna ni ko je ni sta je, izgubila svest,sutradan dosla u skolu, ona nista ne razume, poslata je dalje na ispitivanje, dete se razbolelo, neka neuroška bolest.

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3 years ago

Research has shown that more than a third of teenagers argue with their parents the most because of video games (too much gaming, neglect of family and school obligations, etc.). The games are made in such a way that it’s really hard to stop playing. They have a built-in mechanism that attracts the player to continue, reaching new levels. If the games weren’t like that, they would be boring for the players. There are even more "dangerous" new multiplayer online games, where it is difficult to leave the game for social reasons: the game is played over the Internet in partnership with other players, and if you leave the game (because your mom calls you for lunch), you actually let it down. other players.Players spend an average of 8 hours a week playing computer and online games. Adolescents today sleep 2 to 3 hours a night less than ten years ago. Almost a third of Slovenian children between the ages of 11 and 16 have already experienced one of the forms of Internet addiction (inability to limit the use of the Internet, neglect of socializing with friends due to the Internet, feeling uncomfortable if you are not on the Internet) The world's largest online multiplayer game, World of Warcraft, has 13 million players. Over 60% of children between the ages of 9 and 12 and over 80% of children between the ages of 13 and 16 play online games in Europe. Online games, played together with teammates, are played by half of boys between the ages of 9 and 16. Online multiplayer games recorded $ 1.5 billion in revenue in 2008 with subscriptions alone. By 2012, revenues are expected to reach $ 2.5 billion. Up to 250,000 players from around the world are involved in World of Warcraft at one time.22% of European boys between the ages of 13 and 16 spend their time in virtual worlds, compared to 13% of girls.

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3 years ago

pricaj mi nesto o tome, nema goreg od mene kad se dohvatim u neku stvar, umeo sam istovremeno i na tri racunara da igram istu igricu , srecom prevazidjoh to odavno

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Najlakse je dati detetu mobilni, igraj igricu i mir i tisina... Ok su edukativne igrice, mozgalice i ostalo....ali i to u odredjenim granicama....Deca neka odrastaju uz igru, druzenje. Gubi se smisao socijalizacije... Gledam , voze decu jos u kolicima i deca drze mobilne...Pa zar je to ok?

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3 years ago

N ja nisam pristalica ranog davanja deci bilo kog uredjaja. Iako od tehnike ne moze i ne treba da se potpuno izoluje kada su deca u pitanju po mom misljenju treba im dati da se igraju njima tek kad dostignu odredjen uzrast i stepen zrelosti, a i tada vremenski ograniceno i pod roditeljskim nadzorom. Postoji mnogo dobrih edukativnih klasicnih igracaka.

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3 years ago

Pa da..mame piju kavu..a deca na mobitelima igraju igrice. I još više tega če biti.

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3 years ago

Sve je u roditeljskim rukama. Mrzim da vidim kako mladi roditelji daju djetetu mobitel, a beba tek prohodala.

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3 years ago