What wouldn't they do?

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Avatar for Balikis
2 years ago

In America, sex is an obsession, in other parts of the world it's a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

While others worked off their butts they mocked.

Who would do such? They'd question.

They had something better in mind don't they?

Yeah they do, and I'll tell you what..

You can't do a tiny bit out of it...

So you stayed on your part and do what you know best while they sprayed the dollar.

You'd get moved by what they do but your uniqueness will beat you to it because that's not who you are.


Hello lovely readers, friends and sponsors of read cash and yet to be friends, readers and sponsors of read cash.

It is the second day of the month and I wish my Muslim brother's and sister's Eid-il-filtri.

It is not so Eiddy here...haha don't mind me, that's not a word.

Yeah! There goes what is written up there,not sure if it passes the information in like I suppose but if it doesn't here's what I meant.

A lady in a sad mood.

I heard a news about a lady who apologized to people for doing a video of her sleeping with a dog and she was paid 1.75m.

Yes you read that quite alright, there's no need to clean your eyes or something..

She said it just a clout though her boyfriend broke up with her.

This brings me to the story I heard years back about people sleeping with animals to get money and it was said that brought in HIV.. that's when HIV/AIDS was still very hot then.. I hope you remember those days..we were taught then in school to never use sharp objects used by anyone.

It just so,I don't know somehow that people will do harm to this loving animals. They'd sleep with them and then complain of diseases afterwards and you'd start seeing post like.. This so so and so she needs 2m to fix this and that.

It just so inhumanly that people , ladies will stoop so low to engage in coitusm to those lovely creatures.

I just can't bear to imagine how it feels like to do this.

The range at which people will go for fast money is just so alarming!

  • Cyber fraud

  • Ritualist

  • Arm robbery

  • Kidnapping

  • Sex trafficking and other possible negativities you can think of just go waltzing about and there's nothing done about it. The government aren't helping, people don't care because it didn't happen to them or their families and everything is just so insane.

All these mentioned above is done just for one thing..

Tons of dollar if you'd ask me.


And why wouldn't you agree that money is the root of all evil.

They'll do this and make you that work legally to look like you ain't doing just enough. It like no matter what you do yield in profit because you are looking up to them.

Those who pay ladies to sleep with their dogs or animals are just plainly sadist and needs to be isolated from the human and animal kingdom.

I'm not going to tell people how they'll spend their money but please,if you know you are too wealthy that the money as start hurting you please give it to right people to stop the hurt.

Our animals aren't meant to be sexed with!.

All these sadism needs to come to an end as it endangers everyone's life. Before you know they'll be an outbreak of another disease and no one will know where it comes from or maybe after countless test and death,it'd be confirmed that it came from a human coitus with an animal.

The movie Squid Game taught us that we shouldn't be swayed by money. But sadly most of us don't just learn.

I know it is hard everywhere,life isn't simple and isn't meant to be.

Wherever we find ourselves we should try to make ourselves clean and shouldn't get our hands in life threatening games.

After all the hustle and bustle , heaven awaits, we can't live forever!

Why push people down to rise up when we can rise together.

Why show off your ill-gotten wealth in your friends face and make them feel worthless?

Why go around and mock your friend because he or she is a cleaner or doesn't work in high places like you do when you could have helped out?

Life will always bring it battle up,it'll rain it army down, all we got to do is battle hard with it and hang in there .

There's a light at the end of the tunnel.


Let's come together to protect our animals from these sex freaks.

Let's not expose them to such things as they are just so lovely to do that too.

Be contented with what you have,don't be moved by what they show you.

Trust me, your doing enough,you are really trying .

You've made it through countless battles,now isn't time for you to succumb to their lavish spendings.


Thanks for the usual tips, comments and love.

I appreciate you all for taking time to have this article read and viewed.

Lots of love to my sponsors ♥️♥️

Sponsors of Balikis
Thanks for reading and stay safe.

Photo source: Unsplash

Writer: Balikis

Date: 02 May 2022

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$ 0.05 from @Olasquare
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Avatar for Balikis
2 years ago


Balikis, let me just say that the world has gone mad. That's the only explanation to everything we are seeing right now. It's tiring and depressing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It really an insane world, sometimes I just wish... I wish I had the power to right all these wrongs, protect people and do so more.. sadly I'm also helpless, I do wish there's a true fighter out there with all the necessary tools and I'd gladly join. I have tried to help in my little way though but I feel it not enough, like I can do better and I'm not doing it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We all can do better and we all wish to do better but the truth is, there is little to what we can do. We can do our best and not beat ourselves up too much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah there's little to what we can do.. thanks for stopping by Mr square.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm happy to stop by.

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2 years ago


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2 years ago