Meditation is not something you find, it is something you create

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Avatar for BRISTY1820
3 years ago
Topics: Mental Health

One of my friend Chaiti's problem is that she can't take anyone's words lightly. Once in a chat, a friend of ours called her a swindler. As soon as Chaiti's two ears began to warm up, her chest began to throb. Trying to stay normal among friends by tightening the face-eyes, but does not cut the problem. These physical reactions continue day after day. Chaiti was getting unhappy. Frustrated with life, she became bored with herself. At one point she started meditating. No matter the complex. There are some things that need to be done very carefully while sitting quietly in the room. As she did so, she noticed that she was changing from within. Chaiti noticed that ... She was not dragging out the small things. She is now able to do the work that she used to sweat when she thought about it.

Many of us do many things to keep our bodies healthy. Some walk in the morning, exercise, eat healthy food and so on. But in order to improve student life, we need to keep our body healthy as well as our mind healthy. That work we can do very easily through meditation. Meditation is a state when our brain separates itself from everything unnecessary and immerses itself in a specific subject and learns to use the power of the brain to the fullest extent and perfectly. In addition to studies, daily 10-15 minutes of meditation can have a very positive effect on the development of our mental health and intelligence in student life.

Meditation, of course, is no stranger now. Meditation is a very common practice among many of the world's most powerful people, from Nobel laureates to scientists or writers. Many people know that meditation is now not only the pursuit of solitary saints, but also those who are accustomed to civic life. Scientists have been researching this for a long time and from some reliable sources we know that meditation is really powerful. As Harvard University professor Sarah Lazar has shown in her research, regular meditation increases brain power. In scientific terms, it helps to reconstruct the gray matter of the brain. Your thinking will increase, you will be able to learn faster and you will be able to remember effortlessly. Research shows that meditation is very effective in keeping the mind calm, preventing or curing diseases.

In this regard, Ahsan Uddin Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Dhaka, said that stress-related mental and physical illnesses such as anxiety, depression, insomnia and migraine can be cured through meditation at an early stage. However, if the complex stage is reached, the treatment should be taken according to the advice of the doctor. In addition, the practice of meditation can increase the effectiveness of treatment.

  • If you want to meditate on your own:

Those who are thinking of meditating can start now in a very easy way. We talked to a few people who meditate regularly and browsed the internet to find out how to meditate on your own. Choose a secluded place to meditate. Meditation can be done lying down or sitting. If you lie down, there is a possibility of falling asleep. You can use any slow-paced instrumental music as background music. Think of any happy event that happened in the near future at the beginning.

Now close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Keep thinking that every part of the body is getting loose. Then breathe very slowly a few times. Pay attention to breathing. Notice how the air enters the lungs through the nose, then exits through the nose. When the mind is distracted, bring it back to breathing. Continuing this breathing exercise is a form of meditation.

  • If you have time, you can add the following part:

Imagine that you are slowly entering the depths of your mind. Now decorate the place as you like. Be one with nature in your favorite environment. Instruct the mind according to your needs. Think positive. Keep thinking that this change has really come in you and keep feeling the joy of this change. In addition, there are many other ways to meditate.

  • There are many things on the side:

You can meditate while listening to the whole process on the guided meditation track. Lots of meditation-useful music, guided meditation tracks will be found on the internet. Meditation books are available in the market. You can also visit the websites like Headspace, Quantum Method, Chopra Centered Lifestyle etc. You can download meditation apps like Mindbody Connect, Headspace, Ombhana, Smiling Mind. And if you can't understand it alone, there is a course.

  • There are 6 important effects of meditation in student life:

1. Increase IQ level:

We all like to think of ourselves as a little bit smarter. Now if I say there is one thing that can really raise our IQ level then surely you will be surprised!

According to researchers, meditation can actually increase our IQ level.

A 2011 study at Harvard University found that meditating for six weeks or more increased the volume of our brain's LEFT HIPPOCAMPUS, POSTERIOR CINGULATE CORTEX and TEMPORO PARIETAL JUNCTION. It greatly enhances our memory, thinking ability and ability to learn new things.

2. Freedom from academic stress:

Many of us get lost in the pressure of class, private and homework all day long. Meditation is a very good way to overcome this disturbance of academic studies. Meditation reduces the cell volume of the "AMYGDALA" part of our brain, which in turn reduces our fears, anxieties and disturbances. Meditation also increases the emission of alpha waves in our brain which helps to reduce feelings like anxiety, sadness and anger.

3. Increased attention:

It is a bit difficult for all of us to stay focused on the reading table. In particular, it is really difficult to concentrate on a subject for a long time on exam days. But meditation can make this difficult thing a little easier for you. Daily meditation on exam days can increase your concentration by up to 50%.

Meditation will teach you to focus on one subject, which will increase your ability to think deeply about any one subject and keep all other thoughts away from the brain while reading.

4. It helps to give up bad habits:

There are some habits of student life that we can't give up easily even if we know it is bad. This is due to lack of sufficient willpower and self-control. Which is responsible for the "DORSOLATERAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX (dlPFC)" of the anterior part of the brain. Meditation affects dlPFC which increases our self-control and we can easily give up bad habits.

5. Physical fitness:

Physical fitness is one of the prerequisites for good knowledge and good results in exams. No matter how well prepared you are, if you are not physically healthy you will never be able to give 100% of your exam. Meditation not only keeps us mentally healthy but also helps us to stay physically healthy. Meditation regulates the levels of C-reactive protein in our body which greatly reduces our risk of heart disease.

Meditation reduces a student's risk of developing depression by 31%. Just 3 months of regular meditation reduces the risk of high blood pressure by about 52%.

Regular meditation will relieve your fatigue and exhaustion, allowing you to continue your studies and other activities at the same pace. Studies have shown that people who practice regular meditation have higher levels of antibodies and immunity than normal people.

6. Farewell to depression, now the turn of joy!

According to a survey conducted by Emory University in the United States, one out of every 3 students suffers from depression at some point in their student life. Study stress, bad results or conflicts with friends; whatever the reason, depression is very harmful to both our body and mind. Even more than 1000 students commit suicide every year just because of depression!

Meditation is one of the best ways to overcome depression. According to Professor Willem Kuyken of Oxford University, meditation works much like an anti-depressant drug for a depressed person. Meditation also reduces a student's risk of developing depression by 31%.

Now open all the doors of imagination. Move to a place where you never feel bad about going. It could be a beach, a mountain, a jungle, or your own village home where you like to spend time. Spend 10 to 15 minutes. Don't let any stress take over your mind for a while. Keep your mind completely weightless. The more you can keep your mind steady, the more effective meditation will be. Continue like this every day. Try to sit at the same time every day. One thing to note here is that as long as you meditate today, you can increase that period the next day but never reduce it.

Meditation can be done at any time. However, the idea is that 4 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon is the best time for meditation. The reason for this is said to be that the sun and the earth are at an angle of 60 degrees at this time. This gives the position of our pituitary and pineal glands the maximum utility of meditation in terms of sitting accuracy.

  • Disadvantages:

Does meditation always have a positive effect?

Just as meditation has its benefits, it also has some detrimental effects.

As it brings peace of mind, confidence and positivity, it also has its detrimental aspects. Such as:

Following the wrong procedure

There are many types of meditation books available that mention different types of meditation methods and each one claims that their method is correct. You have to follow the method of choosing what is right among the right.

Experiencing harmful emotions:

Meditation takes our mind to a stage where we gain freedom of imagination. Like you can think of yourself as a lion or you can think of yourself as a bird and fly in the sky. But everything that is happening is in your imagination. It has no real form. In such a situation, the harmful emotions that you have in your mind can be awakened. Like your childhood weakness towards someone or fear towards something.

Feeling weak:

When you look around and hear that everyone is benefiting through meditation but you are not able to fix your mind, the opposite is likely to happen. One thing to keep in mind at the outset is that meditation does not work for everyone.

Strong desire to see 'white light':

It is said by many that one can go to another world through meditation. If you follow the right method in meditation, you will be able to imagine yourself in different places. Seeing 'white light' is also a success of his meditation in the words of some. But such talk makes people more frustrated. People start thinking, maybe he has some other problem that is preventing him from meditating. Due to which 'white light' cannot be seen. People become more restless in trying to stabilize the mind. Ambition must be overcome.

Meditation is a natural thing. It is not a medicine that you take and the disease will get better immediately.

Decline in social media:

Excessive meditation can change your character, which in turn can affect your social interactions.

Don't think of yourself as supernatural:

Through meditation you may feel something supernatural. But never think so. Meditation connects the human brain to a variety of emotions that help calm your mind. But that is never possible. Remember that everything that happens in meditation happens in the imagination, not in reality.

Experiences like seeing white light or floating in space all happen inside your brain. To this day, no one has truly meditated and floated in space, so it would be foolish to think of oneself as possessing any supernatural powers.

While meditating, the mind often wanders. The meditator has to be careful so that his meditation is uninterrupted and the mind has to be brought back to meditation again and again. It can be mastered by trying to practice carefully at the beginning of the practice and by practicing again and again. Once you have mastered the process of stabilizing the mind, you will gain the ability to keep the mind away from scattered thoughts at other times besides meditation.

  • Have a good journey:

Meditation can be a useful friend in anyone's life.

However, the benefits will not be caught overnight, requiring regular practice. A little meditation in the morning or at night can make a big difference in your life.

We waste a lot of time all day, just try to meditate!

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Avatar for BRISTY1820
3 years ago
Topics: Mental Health


I am planning to meditate but It is hard when there is a lot of children around

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I find the easiest way to meditate as to simply sit and listen whats going on around me. The moment my mind Wonder , not too worry i let it to see where it wants to go and what emotions become present and then go back to listening. More i do it more i start to feel like there is something very mystical about it. Some hidden world that i can not really access, but i feel im close.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I tried meditation many times but thought it was not suitable for me and then gave up. After your article, I think I'll find a suitable meditation method and try again. I am thinking of starting with guided meditation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Meditation is very useful for self-purification

$ 0.00
3 years ago