The beauty of falling is rising again.

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" The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."- Nelson Mandela.

We as humans are afraid of falling,and because of that we are always careful, doing things so we won't fall,we can't be too careful,we can't. Life is just like that,once in our lives or many times in our lives we can fall but the beauty of it is rising up each time we fall. When I listened to this great singer Beyonce she said she was rejected 46 times but people see her now and said she has received award 23 times, It means she never gave up,I looked at that and I said to myself do I even have the strength to go on like that, rejected the first time, rejected the 10th time, rejected 20 times and on and on till 46 times and after that she was accepted,wowww,she never let that rejection mare her glory,I know during those times she would have felt discouraged but still she decided to move on and fight it.

Nelson said the greatest glory is rising after falling, yes we will fall,we will fail,we will face rejection but what Matter the most is facing it squarely again,not letting what others say get to us, telling yourself no matter how many times you fall you will definitely rise again, some don't even have the motivation to go on, motivate yourself,most of your friends will not motivate you,they will only mock you,they are waiting for you to give up so they will have something to say,ask yourself will you let them mock you at the end of everything? Some people are even rejected by family members, because your family feels you are doing nonsense,they don't understand yet and because of that you want to give up, please don't give up,if you give up they will know you are not even serious in the first place but when you thrive and you make it at the end they will join hands and celebrate you.

You don't need alot of people to believe in your dreams,you only need yourself alone because there will be times you will fall and fail but because you believe in yourself you will definitely rise again. When you look at the lives of people at the top,they didn't get there in a day, most of them has fallen several times but what makes them different from other people is that they rose up again to fight until they get there,they didn't stop or give up half way,they made sure they repeat that process until they made it big. And that is the difference between them and the poor masses, alot of people after falling easily give up,and because of that they end up in one position,they never gave it all their might,Rome is not built in a day it requires hard work and consistency.

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The falling and rising is what makes life, life. Life has been designed that way, once in a while we are prone to fall but when it happens, that shouldn't determine our fate

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's how we have been made, falling and rising, if we don't get that then anytime we fall we tend to stay there on the floor.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Behind every failure, there is a success, one of my fellows passed CSS exams and now serving as an officer. This was her third & last attempt and she made it

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Wow, that's good, some would have given up after the first or second attempt.

$ 0.00
1 year ago