Don't throw stones...

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1 year ago

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Alot of people are well familiar with this phrase while some are not familiar with it, when you live in a glass house you cannot throw stones because if you do the stones will be thrown back at you and it will possibly break your house.

It simply means don't criticize others when you are doing the same thing, to start with why do you think you have the right to criticize other people?, irrespective of what they do, you can't be doing the same thing and still criticize or correct others, it means you don't have the right to criticize others.

People have gone through alot in life,even worse things than you can ever imagine, you don't know the beginning of their story, all you know is where they are right now, so you don't have the right to bad mouth anyone because you don't know their story.

Pointing accusing finger to someone is bad, it can be pointed back at you in so many ways, learn to know the full story, don't just jump into conclusion, bring that person back to a point of redemption, don't just criticize, it might be your turn tomorrow, what will people do for you when it gets to your own turn, whatever you sow you will reap, either good or bad, what you do to others, you will receive ten folds.

Wherever you find yourself or whatever you find yourself doing better than others is grace, don't use that opportunity to say someone else Is not doing it right ,you can make the person better rather than making the person feel bad,the reason why you are better is so that you can be useful to others, make it worthwhile. Stop the criticism.

This is where I'm going to stop for now..
Thank you for reading this far. You are loved 🥰.

First posted on my Hive account by me,click the link below 👇

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1 year ago


This life is hard, we all are passing through one challenge or the other. This world will be a better place if we all can cut down some of these problems of accusations or pointing fingers.

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