Never let anyone take away the magic of your child innocence...

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2 years ago

Assalam o alaikum(peace to you) Dear Readers!!

Now a days, there is a time when we are afraid to send our children out. I also shared a girl's story with you who was abnormal but was kidnapped and rapped. And this incident was based on fact. If you've not read my that article then I will share the link of that article with you. You will be upset after reading this article. Here will be link:

Today I was watching a Pakistani commercial on TV in which children were being told about bad touch and good touch. And I was very impressed to see that commercial. Kidnapping children, touching children, raping children has become very common here now a days. Even our Pakistani commercials are now talking about it. And this is a good step by Pakistan industry. I'm not married yet. But I would like to give advice to those who have children to tell their children about good and bad touch. Parents in foreign countries may share this because it is a broad minded country. In Pakistan mostly parents do not share this thing with children, it is considered to bad to share this thing. We should tell our children that touching siblings and parents is a good touch, which will never make them feel bad. They should be told that if anyone touches you a private part and they feel bad, they should make noise and run away.

Due to the situation in Pakistan,no parent now allows their children to go out of the house. I remember a few years ago a girl who was probably three years old was raped. And that was the worst moment at that time. There were no word to say at that time. Can you imagine a three year old girl being murdered after being raped. The girl was not told what a bad touch was then. And how did she know because she was only 3 years old?

But now today's generation takes great care of their children. They tell their children every good and bad thing. Now the parents have a family code. When someone's come to pick up a child from school, the child first ask for the code. If the person who came to get it knows the code, then it means that he is the member of his/her family. Thats the best step to keep your child secure. And if something wrong with your child, explain it lovingly. Don't scold her. Let her know that you are with her. If your behaviour is wrong with your child then Your child Will stop talking to you. And she will lose her innocence. Create a limit. Don't let anyone touch your child too much. Tell your kid that they can share everything with you. Be frank to your children guys. Tell your children to share every little thing with you. Don't be afraid to share everything. Ask your children daily routine. If you ask such question everyday, there will be a time when your children will not be relieved unless they share everything with you.

Those who take away the innocence of children at an early age should be severely punished by the government. And if such people escape from others,they will not escape the wrath of Allah (God).

I hope guys you like to read my article. I really appreciated. Thank you for your precious time. I hope you spend your day with full of prosperity. Don't forget to help others because this small act makes your day peaceful.

Lead image: From Pinterest (a lil bit edit)


This article written by me and yeah it's 100% unique.

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2 years ago


I think the "code" things in schools is a nice approach to children's safety so they wouldn't be kidnapped. Parents need to get close to their children so they will be able to tell them everything that's happening in their lives, thus allowing the parents to advice them and teach them about good and bad touch.

It's a messed up world out there and our children need to be safe.

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2 years ago