How do executed prisoners feel?

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2 years ago

Assalam o alaikum (peace to you) Dear Readers!!

How does a prisoner feel when court tells him that you will be hanged in that time?

I was watching an interview about the prisoners on Facebook after breakfast. And those prisoners were not ordinary prisoners, because they were told that they were going to be hanged at any time. The detainees were placed in a separate prison or jail because the police had received orders from behind that they could be told the time of execution at any time. When a prisoner is ordered to be hanged, then he is kept in separate room for a week and police removes the things from his room that cause harm to oneself. And then a week later, he is taken to the place where is hanged by putting a noose around his neck. One last wish is asked of them before the hanged. And police was saying that the last wish of most prisoners is that "God forgive all their sins".

An inmate has spent twenty five years in prison. And the prisoner was saying that he was twenty-three years old when he was sentenced to twenty-five years and death penalty for rape. And now that he has completed 25 years in prison, he could be sentenced to death at any time. So he was saying that he dies every day and live every day. He was saying that when he came to prison he didn't have a beard but now a part of his youth has passed in prison. He was saying that he didn't know what the outside world was like. He was saying, in the beginning everyone uses to come to visit but there came a time when his family members said that they did what they could, now they can't do anything for him. He says that now there is only Allah (God) in his life. He apologize to Him for his mistakes and worship Him. He says he has repented of everything he did before. In short the rest of his life was spent in embarrasment and crying.

The question was asked to the police "Do they feel any pain when a prisoner is hanged in front of him?"

So the police said that they are very sad because of the prisoners because these prisoners live with them. They see them everyday, but when it comes time to go the gallows ,they left their heart to their children. Because they have to do what they receive orders from behind(court). And they have to do all this because it is their duty.

I don't know how many people ruin their lives by doing wrong. Some people rape others, some people kill others, but by doing all this, a person puts his life in pain.

Well I want to ask you a question, if a man who has raped someone and then spend 25 years in jail, should he be hanged or not?

And even if he is ashamed of his mistake, isn't his punish of 25 years enough?

I think that's enough for today. Thank you so much for your precious time. I really appreciated you guys. I hope you spend your day with full of happiness and prosperity. Don't forget to help others because this small act makes your day very peaceful. Have a great Monday.

Lead image: From Google(a little bit edit)


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2 years ago


I wouldn't say anything regarding whether the punishment is enough or not. All I'd say is- let he who hasn't been to prison be careful not to commit any crime, prison is a bad place to be.

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