Superstitious Belief Commonly Practiced Here In Our Province

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Avatar for Athaliah
2 years ago

Date: 03/04/22

Author: Athaliah

Konbanwa minna san!, Howdy? Is there anything good happened to you lately? Well, my day was dull unlike the other day lol.

Image from (Bored yarn?)

I know that a lot of you are familiar with Philippines superstitious beliefs, most especially to those Filipino citizens out there, and I actually read several articles here with regards to this matter. However, I want to share also some of the superstitious beliefs that are commonly practiced here in our province.

Some people really stick on these things, which they believed is true. However, it could be true or just one in a thousand chance of coincidence that it might happen. So here it is...

Breaking the curse

In our place, I've seen it only once. At first, I saw people breaking glasses I don't know why. But then, someone told me that they are trying to break the curse through breaking plates and glasses. They believed that, through this ritual they can remove the curse of their family, such as the so-called "chain of death", I don't know what's the exact term but, it refers to a family who experienced such mysterious consecutive deaths. For instance, the mother lose her precious life first, then followed by her husband, then after a week another member of the family faced similar situation. I am not really fond with this kind of belief because I am certain that each of us are predestined to face death, and it's an inevitable reality.Well, I am still not sure if it's true or just a mere coincidence.

Never whistle in the ocean

Why? I mean, how does whistling affect the ocean? My uncle who was a fisherman once said, "if you whistle in the ocean the wind will unexpectedly become stronger and it will cause a heavy rain". So don't you ever whistle when sailing in the ocean. By the way, I lived in a coastal area that's why this superstitious belief was quite famous here.

Don't mention any land animals while fishing

Whoaa!! Seriously? I just don't get it, I mean mentioning land animals has nothing to do with fishing right? Well, my father is the one who told me about this belief. He emphasized the possibility that when a fisherman mentions any land animals in the sea he won't catch any sea creatures, So he better have to keep his mouth shut while fishing. This is quite unrealistic since sea creatures don't even understand us humans lol. Parang ang weird din no? like ang cute naman if magtatampo sila kapag nakabanggit lang ng name ng kahit anong land creatures. Just try to imagine it.

Leaping through the smoke after the funeral

Since I am a scaredy cat who has a huge fear of ghosts or spirits, I really had no choice but to practice this belief, just to be sure though lol . After the funeral at the cemetery everyone should leap through the smoke (usually a burnt coconut husks). They said, it is a sign of farewell, and respect. Aside from that, it is also another way to keep those lost souls from following you.

Closing Thoughts;

Superstitious belief really are something eh? We don't know if it's effective or not, but let's just respect them since it is part of our culture. I guess there's nothing wrong with embracing these beliefs. However, bear in mind that we should not just depend on those human-made irrational beliefs, instead let your faith in God will be your pattern on how we live your life, because from that we could never go wrong.

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Thank you dear Sponsors!

Special mention to you Sir @Carewind For the sponsorship! I really appreciate it a lot huhu, you made my day.

And of course, to my very first sponsor in @Bloghound . Thank you so much for the sponsorship renewal!

Sana masarap lagi ulam ninyo hehe charess! More BCH to come pa sainyo❣️ God bless you both abundantly.



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Avatar for Athaliah
2 years ago


I don't believe the superstitious belief but there are some persons they had a super powers. What do we call..? We called it "third eye" They can seen anything na sila lang ang nakakita. I experience that with my sister because nakakita siya ng di natin nakikita. So, sometime kahit di tayo maniniwala pero nakasama natin ang taong nakakakita ng mga bagay na sila lang ang nakakakita. What is your feeling...??? So... Scary... Huhuhu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naahhh, I Don't believe those stuff...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many things like this happen because of factors from the culture that was passed down or taught by people long ago. why this happened? because in the past they didn't have trust as they do now with the many sources of trust that exist.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The last one, kana usually jud labi nag muadtig sementeryo then dapat dili mudiretso sa balay muhapit sa lain sa then pag abot sa balay mag change dayon ug sinina

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are a lot of superstitious beliefs, but I don't think it is true, for example, don't cut your fingernail if Friday,ahahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am in Africa and if am allow to say the centre of superstitious believes, we here in basically everything, like some of them are; you don't talk when you are taking a bath, there are rivers you can shout when you are there, you don't talk when eating or even put one of your hands on the floor when eating, this are just few that I find really bizarre and not quite relevant

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was burn and raise by firsherman parents and i believe in whistling and speaking of any animals that walks on the land. Hehe

You deserve that one lods, your good. Hehe how I wish I'm that good at english too same as you. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reading these made me smile. Every country has their own superstitions, most likely based in something that happened centuries ago. We have a tradition called 'glass breaking' for couples that are about to get married, maybe it's connected to yours ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The last part reminds me of what we practice after we attend in wake, we went to the back of our house which the kitchen was there we gonna stomp on those wood ashes so that the spirit of the deceased person we visit won't get inside the house. It's already in tradition, it's one of the weird things can discover here on Philippines, truly we are rich in culture and traditions that until now it wasn't neglected and passed decades to decades.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha kanang death of chain ba kay bawal sad magluto ug gulay nga nagkatay².

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most times what happens to us is a matter of what we believe in. Of course, superstitions are there but it's for those who believe in them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, we have some in my region too and till today we don't know how true it is. But oftentimes we do break them and see what would happen and nothing happens. But most times some events occur but to me it is coincidence

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kanang mag pagpag jud sa patay aking gina practice dra kang kay jusko naki lamay rka naa nakay pakapin ungo guehiehue

$ 0.00
2 years ago