Trees I like

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2 years ago
Topics: Nature, Trees, Venezuela, Plant, Plants, ...

There are many beautiful trees in the world, full of flowers, fruits or showing off their wonderful colorful leaves with great joy. All trees are really beautiful and adorn all our surroundings, that is why it is important to always take care of them and the nature around us.

The Araguaney

The Araguaney is an extremely beautiful tree and full of beautiful yellow flowers that give joy and energy, at least that is what I feel when I see it. I decided to make this article, thanks to the article I read from my dear friend @CoquiCoin which talks a little about this wonderful tree and among the comments I mention my favorite trees, this one is on the list.

To read her article you can click here

Even though yellow is not my favorite color, or rather it is my least favorite color, I love to see this tree full of its beautiful flowers, as well as I love to see the little yellow birds that always come to my in-laws house, I have never been able to take pictures of them, they fly so fast.

This beautiful and big tree is the national tree of my country, it was declared this way on May 29, 1948, so for many Venezuelans this tree is really important, not only for its beauty but also because it is our great national tree.

Its scientific name is "Handroanthus chrysanthus" or "Tabebuia chrysantha", where the word "Chrysanthus" is a composition of Greek words which mean "golden flower" and this word is absolutely right, the flowers of the Araguaney look like gold for its great brightness.

The president of that time, Rómulo Gallegos, identified the flowering of the Araguaney trees as "the golden spring of the Araguaneyes".

This great tree that can measure 6 meters or more, can reach a height of 12 meters. The Araguaney has the great capacity of being able to grow in all the zones of Venezuela, without having so many problems with the climate of our country.

Our great national tree has its flowering during the months of February to April, so if someday you want to come to my country to see this wonderful tree, try to come on those dates, I know you will like to see it in bloom.

I have remembered something important, even though I don't like the color yellow, my grandmother (my dad's mother) liked this color very much. Yellow was her favorite color, but I don't know if she liked the Araguaney tree, I hope she liked it, I could never ask her what her favorite things were and if I did, I really don't remember.

The Apamate

The Apamate is another beautiful tree that I love, its colors are really beautiful and to see them in bloom is a great spectacle. This tree is considered the emblem tree of one of the states of my country, specifically the state of Cojedes. This super big tree can reach 6 to 10 meters high and normally its habitat is in the forests.

This tree has much more colors than the previous one, the flowers of the Araguaney are yellow, but the flowers of the Apamate can have white, pink or purple petals. Its flowers are really beautiful.

If you manage to come to my country from March to April, you will not only see the beautiful flowers of the Araguaney tree, but you will also see the beautiful colorful flowers of the Apamate tree, since this tree blooms in those months. You can get to see the streets of my country covered with colorful flowers, offering a very beautiful panorama.

Both the Apamate and the Araguaney go unnoticed for many months of the year, except when they are in bloom, since they fill with joy all the places with their striking and beautiful colors.

The scientific name of the Apamate is "Tabebuia rosea" this name comes from Brazil. "Tabebuia" comes from the generic name tabebuia, or taiaveruia in Portuguese, and "rósea" is a Latin epithet meaning "red color", because of the flowers of this wonderful tree.

The beautiful and different colors of the Apamate tree inspired the illustrious Venezuelan poet Andrés Eloy Blanco, who wrote the poem "La Flor del Apamate" (The Flower of Apamate), its translation into English I know it will not make much sense but it goes like this:

"What a pity of half mourning

has the flower of Apamate

what a grief of half mourning

since you left.

Your departure threw into my veins

the purples of the afternoon

the blood left me a widow

like the flower of Apamate.

I don't know what you ask of me, half in mourning

I don't know what to ask

whether to die for not loving you

or to love you to death.

I don't know what's the best

I don't know what's the worst,

I don't know if love without presence

or presence without love.

But it doesn't want to and it calls you, half mourned

since you left,

my blood in half mourning

like the flower of Apamate."

The poem says that way because the Apamate flower is usually considered as a flower of melancholic tones or full of peace, I consider it a beautiful flower and full of peace, I don't think it is full of melancholy.

Speaking of flowers, have you seen the beautiful flowers drawn by my friends @daring-celt and @Ellen.he If you haven't yet, please visit their articles, their drawings are really beautiful.

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The Trinitarias

Trees of thousands of colors? I love them! This tree is really beautiful, you can have one with pink flowers, another with white flowers, another with orange flowers and so fill your house with this tree that gives beautiful colorful flowers.

This plant despite being common to see in gardens or when you go on a trip, I really love it. My parents used to have this tree in front of the house, I remember they had two and they tied them one to the other, making a kind of an arch with the trees, this was in front of the house, so it looked special and different from the other houses, the other houses did not have trinitarias, so my parents' house was striking for having this arch with trees that have colorful flowers.

The scientific name of this plant is "Bougainvillea Spectabilis", we know it as "Trinitarias" but it is also called bougainvillea, "papelillo or paper flower" because of its flowers, which are as if you were touching an origami flower with beautiful colors.

This beautiful tree is native to the tropical forests of South America, so regardless of where you are, if you are in South America you can see it, especially if you are in Brazil, Argentina, Peru or in my country Venezuela, these are the countries where this beautiful tree is most abundant.

You have to be careful with this tree, because in spite of its beauty and colors, it has thorns, so if you get too distracted admiring it you can get hurt, so you have to be careful. This tree grows very fast and can measure up to 12 meters, but you can also have it measuring only 1 meter and have it inside your home, but as I said it grows very fast, so you must be careful to prune it.

You can find this plant with red, yellow, white, pink, purple, orange, etc. flowers. You will always see this plant in bloom throughout the year, so it is a good tree to decorate our homes.

As far as I know, this plant also has benefits when consumed as a tea, but I have never done this.

The Flamboyant

Another great tree with beautiful colors. This great tree can also be found in many regions of my country, as it is common because it is a very beautiful tropical tree and decorates the place where it is, highlighting a lot.

This tree usually measures between 5 to 12 meters high, there are few trees of this species that have reached 15 meters. I remember that I always asked my father the name of this tree, because I always forget it, it is a name a little difficult to learn for me, its name comes from the French "flamboyant", which means extravagant or flamboyant, maybe that's why the name is difficult for me, it is uncommon. According to my research this tree is considered one of the most colorful trees in the world for its red and orange flowers and its bright green foliage, in America it is considered as an exotic ornamental species, so it has a wide distribution.

I have found on the internet that this tree comes from Madagascar, but today it grows in many parts of the world, especially if they are tropical countries, among the countries it appears in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Japan; Belize, Philippines, Texas, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Cuba, India, Thailand and Mexico, I find it surprising that this tree can also be planted in the Philippines and Japan, I did not know this. This happens because this tree can easily adapt to different types of habitats and soils, but they need to grow with enough sun.

In the summer season the Flamboyant tree stands out with its beautiful flowers of intense colors that adorn the whole place. Although when you detail well its flowers look a little strange haha.

Many people want to have this great striking tree in their garden, as it has a unique beauty and a great splendor, however we must be very careful when we have this tree, as it is delicate, as it is a tree of the tropics is delicate when there are low temperatures, so you have to be very aware of it so that it is always beautiful, big and lush, full of its beautiful colorful flowers that give joy to the environment.

My father has twice given me small Flamboyants, but they have died in the moves, I think it is because of a very sudden change in temperature from one place to another, the plant is stressed and dies.

So, my good friend...

Which of these beautiful trees did you like the most, do you have a favorite tree, which one is it?

I hope you liked my article, that you have learned and known which are the trees that I like the most, there are great varieties of beautiful trees, but these are my favorites. I hope you also liked them and if you have the opportunity to see them when they are in their flowering time, I hope you take lots of pictures and keep these pictures forever.

Oh, I have two very good plant-loving friends, I hope they liked my article. They are @gertu13 and @rodriguezpct you can follow them if you like and read their wonderful articles.

See you in the next article!

All content is original

Greetings from Venezuela!

Monday, April 25th

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Nature, Trees, Venezuela, Plant, Plants, ...


Wow!! those are stunning and beautiful trees with magnificent flowers 😍 I like the Flamboyant - by the name itself that it attracts attention due to its stylish colors of the flower... And I happened to see such tree and flowers in yellow somewhere in Cebu...I agree that it can adapt and grow in the tropical temperature like here in the Philippines... I'd hope you can include Cherry Blossom ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for your comment my friend, yes the Cherry Blossom is also a very beautiful tree with beautiful flowers, I also like it very much but I have never seen it in person, only in photographs. In my country I don't think you can plant this tree, as far as I know in the countries where you can see it is in Japan, China, Korea, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan and maybe in some areas of northern Europe, and I'm really far from those places haha. But I hope to see it at some point in my life, to be able to travel and see the world and the nature outside my country.

The Flamboyan is very well known and very beautiful, my father has given me twice small Flamboyan trees, but when I move they have not adapted very well to the climate and have died, I hope soon to have my own home and to be able to plant this beautiful tree.

If you want you can write an article about the beauty of nature in the philippines so I can know about your favorite trees or flowers, if you want you can tag me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't even know these trees existed! They are so colorful. Here I was thinking oh a weeping willow is my favorite tree, but that seems very plain now haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am very glad friend that you met these new trees for you, but for me they are quite beautiful and common in my country, but in the world all nature is beautiful. How nice that you like that tree, it is really strange but beautiful, I also like it very much, but I only talked about those trees that are always on the road or in our homes and have beautiful flowers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow my friend these trees are incredibly beautiful, how beautiful the national tree of your country is. There are many beautiful trees in your country. Seeing each of them made my day. Thank you very much for mentioning me. You are my very kind friend. 🌺💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much friend for your comment. These are some of the trees that I like the most in my country, I feel that they have been planted with much love, but not only the trees in my country are beautiful, all nature is beautiful anywhere in the world, you just have to take care of it and respect it. I am very happy that you liked my article and that it made your day, this is very important to me. I remembered the beautiful flowers that you drew for your mother, if I am not mistaken your mother wanted to make an embroidery and you drew her the flowers, well I remembered you and our friend @daring-celt since both draw many beautiful things that are in nature and for me both are important.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such beautiful trees. I wonder how these trees became colored like that. It's bright and definitely will shine amongst its peers. The flamboyant is what I like the most. Such elegance and royalty.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think the trees have been planted with a lot of love and effort and that is why they are so beautiful and colorful. Their colors and beauty adorn everything. Thank you very much for your comment my friend, I'm glad you liked the article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for mentioning my sister gertu13 and me in your article. We are passionate about plants, we inherited it from our mother. I have no preference for any particular tree. I love all flowering plants. The photos in your article show the beauty of the trees. They are all beautiful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like many trees, as I also like many plants, but I wanted to talk about those because I have always liked them and I like their flowers very much. These are the trees that I see the most when I go out or travel, as I always admire them I thought I would talk about them. Thank you very much to you for inheriting this passion for plants, it is very important that there are people like this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trinitarias are also my favorite tree that are easily plantable in my country. Gold leaves tree is also very beautiful

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trinitarias are very beautiful and of different colors, so you can have a great variety of colors in your house with the same plant. They are really beautiful and decorative. The Araguaney is a very well known and important tree for my country, as I said in the article, it is the national tree. What country are you from?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These are all beautiful trees indeed, I'm sure I can't buy even one of these hehe..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh amiga son hermosos, pero no necesariamente lo tienes que comprar, su forma de reproducción es muy sencilla, es facil sembrarlos, siempre o casi siempre tienen semillas, así que es fácil su reproducción, excepto por el árbol de trinitarias que es un poco más complejo, no siempre es facil que crezcan las semillas de trinitarias es más fácil sembrar un pedazo de tallo o por esquejes

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha english only, I don't understand..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry friend, my laptop automatically translated my comment from English to Spanish. Oh friend they are beautiful, but nevertheless you can have them without buying them, their way of reproducing is very simple, it is easy to sow them, they always or almost always have seeds, so it is easy to reproduce them, except the trinitaria which is a little more complex, it is not always easy to grow trinitaria seeds it is easier to sow a piece of stem or by cuttings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

aw it's okay my friend, what I mean is it is easy to grow but I can't find trees like that here in our place, hehe I have to buy seeds from it whenever I wanted to plant some..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah okay friend, well nature has its different places to be born haha the important thing is to take care of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True hehe..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is huge collection you have shared really great flowers and trees i love all of them specially Apamate tree flowers they look stunning! trees are the beauty of the world we should plant trees everywhere.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right my friend, trees are beautiful, we should always take care and respect nature, because without it we cannot live. There is a lot of beauty that is around us, I decided to talk about these trees because there are many in my country and they are really beautiful, I wanted to make them known to those where in your country do not grow trees like this, but I know that in other countries there are trees as beautiful as these.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its wonderful trees and beautiful flowers friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much friend, there are many beautiful trees around the world. The ones I talked about are trees that I like very much and that are found in my country or in different nearby countries. Nature is beautiful, we have to take care of it, so that it will always keep its beauty.

$ 0.00
2 years ago