Eng. Children's story: Tolomeo || Esp. Cuento Infantil: Tolomeo

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Avatar for Arte-macarre
2 years ago

Once upon a time there was a beautiful horse who lived on a beautiful farm, he was a horse with a brightly colored coat, a beautiful mane and a spectacular gallop, named Tolomeo.

Había una vez un hermoso caballo que vivía en una linda granja, él era un caballo de brillante pelaje de colores, hermosa crin y espectacular galope, llamado Tolomeo.

Every time Tolomeo walked he did it with a unique and singular step, so much so that he seemed to dance, all the horses in the stable mocked and laughed at him when they saw him; Tolomeo became very sad and went alone into the forest ashamed of himself.

Cada vez que Tolomeo caminaba lo hacía con un paso único y singular, tanto que parecía bailar, todos los caballos del establo al verlo se burlaban y se reían de él; Tolomeo se ponía muy triste y se iba solo al bosque avergonzado de sí mismo.

Poor Ptolemy is very sad! The horses in the stable hurt him a lot when they laughed at him, he didn't know what to do to change his way of walking, he was alone in the forest thinking and crying.

¡Pobre Tolomeo está muy triste! Los caballos del establo lo herían mucho cuando se reían de él, no sabía que hacer para cambiar su manera de caminar, estaba solo en el bosque pensando y llorando.

One day a horse buyer came to the farm and when he saw Tolomeo's gait he was impressed by his graceful walk, he immediately bought him from the farmer and Tolomeo was very excited because now he would live in a bigger place with other horses that could be his friends.

Cierto día llegó a la granja un comprador de caballos y cuando vio el paso de Tolomeo quedó impactado de su gracia al caminar, enseguida se lo compró al granjero y Tolomeo estaba muy emocionado pues ahora viviría en un sitio más grande con otros caballos que podrían ser sus amigos.

Tolomeo now lives in a nice coliseum with many Paso Fino horses just like him, every Sunday he makes a beautiful show dancing on the boards and people applaud him and love him very much, Tolomeo is now famous and very happy.

Tolomeo ahora vive en un lindo coliseo con muchos caballos de paso fino iguales a él, todos los domingos hace un bello espectáculo bailando sobre las tablas y la gente lo aplaude y lo quieren mucho, Tolomeo ahora es famoso y es muy feliz.

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$ 2.90
$ 2.76 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.05 from @daring-celt
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Avatar for Arte-macarre
2 years ago


This is simply amazing. Did you traditionally paint this or is this digital art?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hi! It is traditional painting, Macarré art. Thank you for your visit and comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Beautifully done! This is great for children's book :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, in that I am looking for a publishing house that likes my work. I have many stories and even an unpublished book. Or someone who knows how to publish on amazon. Thank you for your visit and comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great story and very beautiful pictures! I like Tolomeo)))

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank! always supporting me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like your art style)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago