My mom who is my inspiration,my mentor and my strength. She is just amazing,a fighter who nevèr lose hope.
From her childhood she used to think about being a alrounder women! As she was in a village,she didnot got any support and oppurtunity to fulfill her dreams! She could not do anything that she wanted!
So she decided to make her daughters al rounder about everything! Me, @kajol and @Arifa_Moni ..
We were in school and living in a village! First she started to teach us tailoring..okay I was a little naughty girl,so I couldnot concentrate on it. But my sister learned it well..And she still can do the works.
Then my mom decided to teach us computer and graphics design.It was tough for us as we were living in a village and everything was not possible there. So she kept a techer and we started learning microsoft words,grphics and all that...I dinot have any plan for my future.But my sister was planning to do her LLB..But those laerning are still too good.
This was most tiring work of my life! I still remember when my mom wanted us to drive car! She used to wake us up at 4 am and took us for driving practice! No vehicles at roads at that time,also we could got some fresh air. Once I even did a small accident while driving due to sleep! But Thanks to her we could learn it.
It was the time when I was in 10th grade and my sister was in college. At that time beauty salon became very popular at our country suddenly! Well even My mom wanted to teach us this as well! I was less interested in this matter stil I had to do the practices. But my sister @Kajol learned it so well that now she is a very good beautician and owns her parlour.
My mom taught us a lot of things,we could not have been so far without her dream! Cooking,driving,computer,design,beauty and more. She wanted to get all these facilities for herself,but she could not get.So she taught us all.
Now my sister finished her LLB before 4years back,she left profession for her childs and now a succesful beautician and I am a doctor. All are outcome of my mother dreams.
We could not get all the facilities if she didnot provide for us! She is our inspiration,she is the mentor and We can never be thankful enough for this! She lives her life just for us.
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Once again wonderful