Your strongest enemy is yourself
"Sometimes the most cunning enemy is the closest one to you". Does this phrase sound familiar? Yes, of course, you know what I'm talking about, this is a common and perhaps as old as a scratch compact disc. However, though it may sound unjust and preferably only happens in dramas, we agree that it happens from time to time and to anyone.
However, although we agreed about the truthfulness of this phrase, I dare to object to the strength or boldness of this cliche. Yes, since we are humans who only vow to progress and success while living we will do anything to achieve that goal even at the cost of making enemies of others.
Moreover, we also encounter other non-living enemies. However, we call them struggles and hindrances and not total enemies but a way of testing our strength and determination so as to achieve what we aim to be.
So, what are our enemies in achieving our goals?
Perhaps you knew about gossip and negative thoughts of others towards you, right? Now, this is one of the strongest enemies we have and I think all of us are dealing with this kind of enemy, but you know what? If you can't handle the negativity of others toward you, then you will never defeat the other you. The "YOU" who bares hatred, negativity, poor self-esteem, sadness, and advanced failure thinking.
Yes, my dear readers, it is yourself that prevents you from being the better version of your own.
A piece of advice, learn to deal with your own nightmares, your own reflection because if you do, then success shall reign upon you. It is not your friends that will bring you despair, nor your pessimistic relatives.
The pessimistic people around you will only contribute to a demon that is already inside you and once you don't know how to deal with that side of you, these people whose only means is to degrade and snap your bright future will be victorious in flaring up the worst version of yourself.
Come to light, make yourself shine, do not be afraid, and try to fight for your future. Let them throw unreliable ideas but have faith in yourself and defeat the strongest enemy you are born to fight from the start, deal with it, and finally overcome it. Once you do, this will be the best revenge for the rest of your enemies, trust me they will leave you alone voluntarily because they can no longer pull down, all that just because you did a great job dealing with the only ally they have that resides within you.
Hence, never ever let that demon devour you, or else you'll end up being diagnosed with mental illness which sadly the rest of human society can never understand.
I hope this will help you reflect on your own. Thank you!
Sometimes our instinct or inner mind plays with us that we feel, I agree with you it is ourselves that prevents us from being a better version of who we are