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Avatar for Apex_Thomas
2 years ago
Article No. 22

Friends, today is Friday, Friday means holiday. Everyone knows the holiday means joy. I am happy too. Everyone knows the reason for this joy. Because today I am with my family. So trying to be very happy.

This Friday, all of my friends, how are you? Surely, all of my friends are very well with your family. There are very few people in this world who do not feel well with their families. Those who do not live well with their families are surely living in a worldly strife. In fact, we are living with a family, so we should be not a domestic dispute. I hope those of you who are in the midst of worldly quarrels will settle those quarrels quickly. People with good brains do not cause unrest in the family. Anyway, leave it at that.


I usually wake up early, but I woke up late today. After many days it was too late to get out of bed. You must know the reason for waking up late. Because I'm home now.

Morning sleep is like heaven. If this morning was as long as the year, I think it would be fun. However, that is not possible. Because God did not give us that power.

I woke up at 10 this morning. I woke up fresh and had breakfast. Then I did the market. Because many guests have come to the house today.


At noon, we all sat down together and ate. My grandparents, grandparents, aunt and my two younger sisters were in the dining hall. Such an arrangement is almost done in my house. Sadly, I am not attended all time in this arrangement.

Do you know that the world is very strange? And the biggest weird creature on earth is humans. Why? Can you say that?

Not just strange people, but the fate of the biggest strange people. People are constantly deceived by destiny. But we can't tell anyone. Because no one has the power to stand against destiny.

I don't want to stand against destiny but sometimes it feels bad. Spending time with family really transcends joy.

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2 years ago
