I have a high fever
Article No.52
How are you, my friends at Read Cash? Because you write new articles every day? I am fascinated by your presence, I wonder how you write new articles every day,!
Today I have a sudden fever, yesterday I went to bed at 10 o'clock at night, I fell asleep around 12 o'clock at night, I woke up at 2 o'clock at night, Even then I did not realize that I was sick, after waking up I realized that my body was in a lot of pain, it seemed that fire was coming out of my eyes, then I saw a fever in my body with my hands.
I fall asleep again at night having nightmares, I have nightmares when I have a fever.
Tonight is no exception, I have had terrible nightmares, the more I dream when I have a fever, the more it falls from above, the more people bind me, the more I long for survival, the more I get no help,
Again, I think the world is spinning in front of me, I'm dying, I'm leaving this world,
I had no desire to write today, but my time is not wasted in lying down alone, I am forced to get out of bed and sit down to write, I really want to talk to you.
I think if I could get close to you, if you were sitting in front of me, I would talk openly,
When people want to tell stories in their loneliness, they want to express their emotions, then people feel very normal.
Don't fear ok dear. just keep faith in creator Allah and take rest and medicine by doctor advice.