Society in the 21st century is facing great progress in every field of social development, however, during that lightning development there are by-products that do not have especially positive character in a society that promotes healthy values, which fights for freedom, equality, humanity, and ethics, for each individual, within its own complex structures.
The society represents a specific set of individuals who make up in their unity the whole with all its specifics, in an individual and common sense. From the of an orderly, democratic society, to which one aspires, and which finds a positive echo in organized social communities to a society that due to certain cultural specificity, deprivation of the environment itself and individuals in it, in which it is noticeable suffering culture, education, and individuals. Of course, this phenomenon has been known since before, however, at the developmental stage of civilization, as he is today, with the possibilities that he provides, these negative connotations still cast a shadow on the society to which these negative manifestations of human behavior are a major stumbling block.
By identifying possible situations and experiences that affect personality development negatively and are manifested in a chain reaction, from the object that suffers the action, that is the victim, to the subject or perpetrator who exercises those measures. The individual must direct in the spirit of self-defense from negative influences on his personal and positive development and in the spirit of promoting socially, relatively socially healthy values and attitudes.
The school environment, for many students and attendees, is a significant social one framework, second home, refuge, and an indispensable part of life, as well as a cultural, educational institution that largely determines the future of an individual.
The first steps of a child determine his life path in the future, and his future affects the future of other individuals, with whom it enters into indirect or immediate contact. In that sense, our goal is to build a person who will stay on a positive path, who will represent a person who bravely copes with moral challenges and obstacles of the 21st century.
On the thorny path of young people's lives, as a significant factor in encouraging action, on problem-solving and dealing with the problem, on support and reliance, on the system values and ideals it represents, a school for young people can be a ray of hope and a bright spot in case they find themselves in a situation that requires a personal, independent struggle with problems, risky and stressful situations of interpersonal relationships.
Socialization and school
The process of socialization is a mediation process through which children and new members of society learn about the way of life in a particular society, they are trained for independent living, they adapt to circumstances and specifics these social communities, adopt cultural patterns and thus shape themselves at the same time they also shape overall social behavior.
According to a narrower understanding, socialization is a process by which an individual or social groups integrate into their society and receive culture, and besides enable them to further develop and transmit it. From this understanding, it follows that in the process of socialization, tradition has a special role, since it is transmitted through it values of a certain culture, from one social group, one generation and one time to another group, a younger generation or a new time. It is about that component of a culture whose it is an important feature is the acceptance and transmission of already created and conquered cultural heritage, for which clearly has a conservative character. According to a broader understanding, socialization is they acquire qualities important for social life, and it does not have to be an acquisition of exclusively positive and socially useful traits, but also negative and socially harmful, such as intolerance, aggression, greed, etc.
The most important factors of socialization are a family, group of peers, school, relatives, and acquaintances with whom the person is in contact, organizations to which he belongs, marriage, professional activity and relations related to work, social status and role in society, belonging to different social groups, culture to which he belongs, social the system in which it develops, the mass media, etc.
Justice in school
Justice defined in the domain of education implies the environment in which persons have the opportunity to choose, in accordance with their development potentials, abilities, and talents, not on the basis of educational stereotypes, environmental expectations, and discrimination (European Commission, 2002).
Justice is a dimension that ensures that there is no quality education provided only to some, but to all. It encourages the provision of economic and social opportunities necessary for the development of students, regardless of their development potentials, gender, age, ethnic or racial affiliation, and social status.
Equity in education refers to the educational environment in which persons have the possibility of choosing in accordance with their development potentials, abilities, and talents, not on the basis of prejudice, educational stereotypes, environmental expectations and discrimination, which opens up economic and social opportunities, regardless of development potentials, gender, age, ethnic or racial affiliation, and social status (European Commission, 2002).
Basic principles on which the socially just school is based:
equality in education
the principle of equality
the principle of democracy
the principle of humanity
human rights
child rights.
Going to school is one of the biggest changes in a child's life. School is one of the most important educational institutions that follows a very important period in the life of every child.