Yesterday, my Worst Day

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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Nonsense

Yesterday, I'm not feeling well because i think i will have a fever. My body is clumsy 😫 and just want to lying in the bed and just sleep because my eyes are hurt. I don't have an energy to eat and play.

8:00 am - i woke up not exact 8:00 am but it's around 8 am. That time i feel i have a fever because I'm so clumsy and not feeling well. My temperature is not so hot so i just ignore it.

10:00 am - we go outside with my mother. We go in the another house and my mother clean that house. I don't do any household chores there and just sit in a chair. I don't want to do anything because as i said, I'm not feeling well that time.

11:00 am - my mother already done to do household chores so we back in our house. I said to my mother that I'm not feeling well and i think i have a fever. My mother give me a food and also a medicine for fever. I take that medicine and sleep because my eyes want to sleep.

12:00 pm - after 1 hour of sleeping, i woke up. That time i feel that my fever is gone because i have an energy again but i didn't take a bath yesterday 🀣. So when i feel that I'm feeling well, i used the cellphone of my brother.

3:00 pm - i forgot the time that i write an article here yesterday but i think it's 3:00 pm or 4:00 pm. At this time, I'm feeling well so i write an article again.

5:00 pm - i think it's 5 pm, i feel a very hot temperature again but my feeling is too cold so it's means that i have a fever again. The cellphone of my brother is already lowbat but I don't want to sleep so i make my homework first because i forgot to answer it before.

6:00 pm - I decided to sleep again because I'm being lazy again. I can't fight my fever because i don't want to do anything. My fever defeated me again.

7:30 pm - my mother wake up me to eat a dinner then drink s medicine because I'm super hot (not my body, my temperature 🀣) . I just eat a small amount of rice because i don't have an energy to eat. Then i drink a medicine again because i have a fever. My mother get a wet towel and put it in my head. She also wiped my shoulder so my temperature will not super hot.

8:00 pm - i sleep early because of this fever. Before i always sleep 10 pm to 11 pm, so i think this is my first time to sleep early this month 🀣. Even i already sleep for a long time and i just woke up, my eyes want to sleep again. Even there's ni electricfan, i feel it's super cold so get a blanket to cover my whole body.

10:00 pm - I don't know if it's 10 pm because my mother just wake up me, but i know it's not already midnight because my brother is not yet sleep. My mother wake me to changed my shirt because my shirt is wet because of my sweat. My temperature is already low not like before but my fever not yet gone.

4:00 am - my mother didn't sleep so she can monitor me if my shirt is wet again or I'm super hot again. My mother put a wet towel again in my head because I'm super hot again. Then she wake up me to eat a food and drink a hot chocolate.

5:30 am - my mother wake me too early so i decided to sleep again. She hear that my tummy is so noisy so she buy a food for me. I didn't eat at 4 am because we don't have a rice. I just drink a hot coffee.

6:30 am - my mother already got home and already buy a food for me. She wake up me again so i can eat a food now because she know that I'm hungry. She also buy a calamansi then she juice it for me.

7:00 am - i get the cellphone of my brother to see my account and my account. I using a cellphone for 1 hour even i have a fever and not yet feeling well.

8:00 am - my fever back again because I'm using a phone for a long time. I want to sleep again because of my fever. My temperature is hot again. My family will go to church but i have a fever. My mother said that i need to take a bath so my fever will gone. I also eat s breakfast again because i didn't eat the food that my mother buy for me.

9:30 am - even my body don't want, i forced my self to go outside. I wear a jacket because it's super cold for me. We are in the church for 3 hours i think and i feel okay. I removed my jacket because I'm sweating. I also have an energy to do things. After we go back in our house, i think the fever already gone. I didn't always sleep not like before.

Now, while writing this article, I'm feeling okay and i hope that tommorow, I'm super okay and my fever didn't back again.

Now, i realized that just sleeping if you have a sick and not fighting it can't feel you better. Just need to fight so the fever will gone easily.

Thanks for reading and visiting my non sense article. πŸ’šπŸ’š

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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Nonsense


Buti magaling ka na! Pahinga lang talaga katapad non. Pahinga ka pa saka bawasan muna ang pagcecellphone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pahinga ka muna bunso πŸ€—. Wag ka munang gumamit ng cp at baka mabinat ka lalo.

Drink lots of water and magpahinga nang magpahinga. That will help u to recover faster :)) Get well soon! ❀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Magpahinga ka po. Hindi masama ang magpahinga lalo na sa mga taong maraming ginagawa. Godbless

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pahinga muna, kahit ayos kana mag rest ka. Wag monggm hintayin na mabaynat ka, naku sinasabi ko sayong bata ka.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If you sleep when heal, it weakens the body. Hope you're better now?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm better now πŸ₯°

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sabi ko huwag muna mag cellphone eh ang kulit jackieeeeee!🀧🀧🀧

Ako naman kanina I was really trying to sleep kasi yesterday I slept around 9pm (lol, ang aga diba) then nagising ako ng 1:30 am siguro and I am still awake until 2:20pm!!! Grabe super bangag ko habang nag huhugas nga plato and ang panget ng kinalabasan ng article ko haha siguro nasa 20-30minutes of typing lang iyon.

So basta bawasan muna ang gadget time para di na lumalala iyan haha. Hirap kaya uminom gamot.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha true, ang hirap uminom ng gamot

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ayan pasaway na bata. Wag na kasi nagcecellphone para hindi mabinat. Get well soon.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

may lagnat kapaa?nakoo mag more on rest ka beh hah. iwasan muna magpakapagod

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Parang wala na. Sinat nalang😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

pahinga ka parin beh, wag mo muna papagurin sarili mo. jusko wag mo pababayaan sarili mooooo

$ 0.00
3 years ago