How to Handle Tough Days?

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2 years ago

We are all experiencing those moments when we don't have enough energy to feel lively because challenges and problems keep coming and they make our days tough and stressful.

That's okay, though. Life is never stagnant and we are not always living with a happy atmosphere. It doesn't mean that when our day is in bad mode, we already failed with our goals in life.

Truth to be told, my life is not always happy even though I am trying to make it like that. As much as I wanted to be happy, when horrible things happened, my emotion will suddenly go down and I can't do anything about it but to just let it out. If I am sad, I will just let my tears fall down and I will never hold it back because if I did, the pain will just stay in my heart and it will get worse.

On that note, I believe that it's okay to feel down sometimes as long as on the other day, we will not repeat that same feeling again and try our best to be happy despite the uncertainties.

In this topic, the video I've watched in Psych2go channel in YouTube is very appropriate and helpful to encourage us in overcoming the tough days in our life.

In this article, I will enumerate those things to remember when we are having a tough day, and I will try to explain each using my own words.

Whenever we're facing tough days, we should remember that:


No matter how we try to get rid of tough days, we can still experience them as they are already part of our life. Tough days are like challenges that improve our current version into the ideal version we want. Experiencing bad moment is not just a thing that worsen our life's state, it is actually an opportunity for us to learn from it especially about what coping skills should we use, and if we succeed on it, we can now easily handle bad days ahead.


Resting for a while is very important for us to regain our strength in order to feel alive again. We shouldn't always pressure ourselves to solve all the problems at once, even if we can't really do it at the same time if we did.

We are not a robot and we deserve to rest, so if we are having a tough day and we can't seem to solve it as soon as possible, taking a break is the first best option we can do. I am not saying that we should get rid of our problems instead of facing it. What I mean is that, if we can't seem to solve it now as we are already tired, rest and prepare first then try to solve it later on. It's better to face tough days with a weapon of preparation rather than going on without holding anything but tiredness.


No one of us are perfect, but we are all capable to do things and that includes facing tough days. Let's take a look and consider ourselves as strong, confident and brave, so we will not be easily ruined by thrown rocks of challenges in our life. If tough days are here, let's trust ourselves that we can overcome it and there are better days ahead because just like what I've said, we are all strong and capable to face everything.


Instead of giving our full attention with things we can’t control, let's focus more on those we can change and improve. We can't control everything in our life so just let those things flow in its supposed movement and try our best to focus more on those we can control the process and outcomes.

Whenever we're experiencing tough days, of course there will always be those instances wherein even though we are trying our best to control and change it, we can't do anything but to let it be. That's okay! That's life! Divert our attention to more valuable things or let's be more optimistic and positive thinker in a sense that if we can't control something in our life, maybe God is working on it and He has better plans than us.


Our life is dynamic in nature and what we have today will never be completely the same as yesterday. With that, if we are having tough day at this time, let's be more optimistic as tomorrow will be another day of fresh start for us. If we haven't succeeded yesterday, we still have lots of tomorrows to continue and reach our goals, and that's completely okay as long as we are progressing even in a slower phase.


Tough days are inevitable, but we still have choices to make it a brighter one with help of the mentioned ways above. Whenever we feel tired, take a rest rather than facing bad days with a frown and drained energy. Tough days add challenges in our life that make us feel stronger than before if we face it with enough energy and confidence in a sense that we are believing in ourselves that we are capable and strong enough to conquer everything. Furthermore, overcoming tough days also includes focusing more on what we can control rather than giving our full attention to things we can’t maneuver. Focusing more on our strengths rather than our weaknesses makes a lot of positive differences in our life, and if ever that we failed to make it happen, we still have lots of tomorrows to start again.

Some days may be tough, but always remember that we are tougher than that.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above. 

Special mention to my new sponsor, Mr. @turuncu , thank you so much for giving me this sponsorship. I really appreciate it and may the Lord bless you more with your generosity.

May the good Lord bless you all with love and grace! 😇❤️

Thank you so much for reading! 💕

Date Published: January 12, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


I love this. Thank you for this beautiful reminder for all of us sis. Indeed, tough days are inevitable and we should not forget that it is part of our lives. Tough days are created to make us tougher. Resting is a must as well.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're always welcome, and I want to thank you as well for reading this article of mine. Tough days are part of our life so instead of feeling bad about it, let's be optimistic and treat those challenges/problems as opportunities to improve ourselves into the best version we can be.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should control our emotion. It may mislead us at that stage. Patience is the only key to overcome that problem.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

What a great insight. Thanks for sharing, dear!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Legit we just need to take a break if things get so exhausting. Overcoming tough days are so hard but if we just do our best and trust ourselves and have faith in God then things will be at ease.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree with your point. Let's surrender all our worries to God and trust Him instead of feeling bad during the tough days in our life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All true and thank you for the reminder sis. Sabi pa nga sa commercial ng Lucky me noon "Tomorrow is another day". Kaya laban lang jud ta hehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, we shouldn't lose hope just because we aren't lucky today. Tomorrow is another day and that will never stop us from trying. Laban lang, always!

$ 0.00
2 years ago