As Long as It's Understandable

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Written by
2 years ago

Communication has been part of our daily life and is one of the very important skills that we should learn.

Apart from merely interacting with each other, most of us value the meaning we convey with each other, and it's very essential to meet the main objective of communicating, and that is to be understood.

Source: Unsplash

Clarity and meaningfulness of the messages we convey are some of the aspects that we should consider when communicating.

But, can we still be able to consider those aspects without taking much consideration of the grammar rules?

Okay so, I am always seeing posts in my newsfeed with minimal grammatical errors, but the real meaning is still there. Grammar including the right usage of "your" and "you're", proper usage of pronouns, adverbs, verbs, conjunctions, and even the rules involving the "Subject-Verb Agreement" are sometimes disregarded by anyone, even those who are native English speakers. The point is no one of us is perfect enough in everything. There are times that we commit mistakes unintentionally, especially when we're exhausted and not paying much attention to what we're writing or speaking of.

But, apart from those minimal mistakes, as long as we're understood fully by our listeners/readers, I believe that there will never be a problem with that. What's the point of attacking them with their grammatical mistakes when the meaning is still clearly stated?

Just imagine a little kid talking using a few words to convey something, but we adults can still understand them. Why? Because we have the ability to understand them even with just one word conveyed to us, since we're rational beings.

I also remember a post about "pogi typings" and avoiding "jeje words" like those words which are typed in a shortcut manner. The post said that if you want to impress girls/boys, you have to converse with them in a formal way of constructing a sentence. Yes, the idea is quite good because that will help them to properly construct a sentence, but what's the point of doing it just to impress someone?

On the other hand, I can't understand those people who always point out someone's mistakes in their write ups and speeches. Yes, following grammar rules is important, but I don't think we should still strictly follow them when talking freely, for instance, in a casual conversation.

There are lots of people out there who want to express themselves freely, but refuse to do so because they are afraid of what other people might say to them. They are afraid to share their thoughts and feelings because they prevent themselves from being humiliated for using inappropriate grammar. They are afraid to be called as dumb by those self-proclaim language enthusiasts so they choose to hide their thoughts within themselves.

For me, it's okay to correct someone from the mistakes they made as long as the approach is nice and less embarrassing. But using those mistakes as a weapon to humiliate someone will never be okay. I don't see any problem with grammatical errors as long as the message is still clearly stated. I don't care about typos, wrong spelling, and among others when having a casual conversation with someone, as long as the main concept is still there.

I believe that the main objective of communication is to be understood and not to impress someone with our communication skills.


Using the right grammar is impressive but communicating clearly without pressure and still being able to be understood fully is much better. We can't deny the importance of grammar rules, but we also have to bear in mind that the main purpose of communication is to be understood no matter what word we use.

I am glad that this platform,, has less toxic users who don't mind the grammar usage of other users. We can freely express our thoughts without being judged because in the first place, we can fully understand each other despite the minimal errors we commit in our write ups.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much to those who keep on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above.

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! 😇❤️

Thank you so much for reading! 💕

Date Published: May 30, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


Normalize those wrong pronunciation or unpropper grammar, don't laugh to those people who does this one, instead correct them, amd as long as we can understand each other that's enough. Language is not about perfection or great construction of words or grammar or how good it is to roll out with your tongue but it is on how we understand each other.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly! In the first place, the main purpose of communication is to be understood so there's no point of humiliating someone just because of the grammatical errors they've committed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, there are some point that I have mistakes in delivering my thoughts but I'm still thankful cause the readers seems to understand what I'm pointing out.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's good. We shouldn't be pressured in delivering our thoughts so it's nice to know that there are still those people who let us freely express ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, that's true thanks for confirming.☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have seen a lot of grammatical errors in comments and posts elsewhere. I still understood what they were saying. These are common mistakes by a lot of people and I don't want to attact them because of that. It would be a waste of time. Errors like "your" instead of "you're" or "should of" instead of "should have" are understandable even though they are incorrect.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right. As long as we can fully understand what they're saying, that's enough.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Still communication is the key of everything, sissy. :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's correct po. No matter how we construct our message, as long as we're understood, it's okay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago