A Fake Friendship: If It's Not Because of the Benefits

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Fake friend

We can say that a friendship is real when our friends doesn't only approach us when they need something.

That's how I undergo a test, if my friends are really genuine and not because they want something from me.

In this world, it's rare to find a friend who treats us like a family because mostly, people are just befriending us for a certain agenda which is usually perceived as a negative one.

After getting what they want, they will dump us like a garbage and forget about us as if we are a total stranger who was never been linked to them.

I have this friend whom I though as my best friend for life, but it turns out that I was wrong for thinking that way.

It's not that I want her to pay back for the help I gave. My point is that, why does she suddenly became aloof to me after helping her when in fact, I am not obliging her to return what I gave? That's how I realized that maybe, she became distant to me because she already got what she wanted and I am already useless to her, unless, she will need me again.

That friend of mine (I don't know if she still deserve to be called as FRIEND since she didn't act like one) was my former classmate in Senior High School. So, since we came to the same school, same batch, and same section, we became friends as we are always been together inside the classroom, given the fact that we were seatmate because the first letter of our surnames were consecutively arranged (that's how sitting arrangement was done by our adviser/teacher inside our classroom).

When we graduated from Senior High School, our communication became less interactive not until the day when she asked me to help her with her oral presentation.

She didn't asked about it directly or straight to the point, but rather made segways to get my whole attention first. We reminisced the things we had before when face to face classes were still implemented, and also the memories we had outside the school especially when we got to eat street foods near the city plaza, when we passed by the church and pray before we go home, and when we go to the nearest mall to treat ourselves after passing the quizzes or exams we had in the school. Those were the days I really missed, so talking about it with my friend made me smile a lot, but I never thought that my happiness had something in exchange.

I thought, she approached me because she missed me or want to check if I am still okay or not, but no. She contacted me again because she wanted to ask for my help. At first, I never think about it the wrong way, but rather considerately understand that what should friends are for if I didn't help her. And so, I help her with everything she wanted (mainly focusing in academic studies) and I never asked for something in return, but it's quite saddening that I never received even just a single 'thanks' and rather left me hanging.

Our conversation happened online as we were not given a chance to talk personally because of the pandemic. That's why it's kinda easy for her to left me without saying a thing, as my last message was left as 'seen', no replies at all.

Am I wrong or considered as a martyr if I looked like I'm chasing her when I sent her several messages to show how excited I am to get in touch with her just like before?

When I didn't receive replies again after I helped her, I didn't immediately think that she was not interested with me anymore. I think positively and understand that maybe she was just busy studying or making all the necessary requirements given to them as students, but I was wrong again with this one.

After what she did, even though I have an idea in mind about how possibly fake she was, I still hold on to a little hope that we can still preserve our friendship I treasured for a long time.

I messaged her again, but I receive no replies even though what I sent was already delivered, meaning, she just ignored it. I even visited her profile in Facebook and during that time, he was just sharing a meme post few minutes ago, and that was Sunday afternoon huh! No classes at all.

I thought, this kind of scenario was so exaggerated and already fabricated when posted in different social media platforms, but I never thought that it could really happened in real life.

For the last time, I chatted her again to say my disappointment (not really arguing), and that's when she replied already and turned the table in a sense that I am already the one who's at fault. I therefore concluded that she just waited for me to say something disappointing so she can turned the whole situation to be in her favor. She even told her what so called 'real friends' that I was the fake one and how disgusting my behavior was.

I can't imagine how she was able to dump our friendship and good memories we had before like a trash. Like, how could she do that? It seems like she wasn't the same person I've known before.

Maybe, if it wasn't because of the benefits she got from me, she will never try to be friends with me.

On that note, when realization hit me, that's how I ended my friendship with my former 'friend'. Even though we aren't friends anymore, I am still keeping all the memories we had because those are still for keeps although the person behind it wasn't the same anymore.


Toxic and fake friends are all over the world so if you have your real friends with you, please keep them like a treasure.

Despite the fake friend I met, I am thankful that I still have those whom I can call as my real genuine friends. They are the ones who constantly treat me like a family (I definitely do the same) and never left me in darkness even though I have nothing to give to them, but love.

Friendship cannot be measured by the benefits we can have with our friends, it is rather measured with love and happiness we shared.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above.ย 

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! ๐Ÿ˜‡โค๏ธ

Thank you so much for reading! ๐Ÿ’•

Date Published: January 10, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Fake friend


There's always people like that, the pnly thing that we can do is to cut those toxic people in our lives. Never give your precious time to those kind of people.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, better cut the ties we have for them, and rather just keep the memories not the people at all as they will just bring bad vibes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You don't deserve those kind of people says. There are a lot of real friends there for you. Don't waste your time to her. Hayaan mo sya.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'll definitely take that advice. At least hindi po ako ang nawalan diba? ๐Ÿ˜

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let them be. Take it as an experienced. those people are truly sucks but that's like. there are really people like that. tsk

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right. We shouldn't let those kind of people in our life as they were like nightmares that will kill our beautiful dreams in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I call them advantage seeker when they only appear at their needy moment. No sympathy for them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right, I hate how those people only befriend someone just for their own sake that clearly shows selfishness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago