Trigger the purpose at 10x.

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1 year ago


Purpose, a aim of life , is a role of each individual in society and living. We all have purpose of our existence to whom we should follow and fulfill. Each of us has unique role to play with special characteristics which blessed our lord by nature.

What is in our hand? It is struggle, effort and stamulate it with available tools. No doubt, every one doing his best but most of us reach at 2x to 5x by our work and get the average result. Only few trigger their purpose to 10x and those called successful individuals.

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It is never easy to squeeze ourself from a comfertable zone to a wetting body hardship but we should go through the killen to reshape ourself as a better individual. What steps we require to boom up our level of purpose to 10x ? Here are some points to follow,

Organize yourself.

It is very important point that we should organize ourself. Mentally preparation, accomulate the tools , a passion to do , persistence to get and willing to achieve. After building the momentum in mind , start buckling up the requirements.


Second step is planning about purpose. Make a visible, realistic and catchable plan for your goal. Dividing the cake into portions gives easy pick and bite , so daily, weekly and monthly plan is basic part in struggle.

First step.

Always choose most easiest part first to do because it has lowest risk of failure. Once you turn over the first page successfully, it will give you confidence and trust on yourself which will assist in second ' little harder , part.

Cut down bigger bricks.

To trigger the purpose into 10x we must cut down the heavier, bigger , difficult parts of Goals into smaller parts. Get stamulation by small stones and grabs of success. These things will ease to move on daily basis planning.

Set limits.

No one can get the success even by triggering it purpose to 10x if he didn't mention the limits. Limitless purposes never be achievable even after hardships. So set the limits for yourself and same time for others also to avoid unnecessary invading from others.

Avoid hesitation.

Don't feel any kind of hesitation in asking for help , assistance and support from others. Feeling shy in questioning can drag you down from your momentum. Ask from others what you don't know.

Give yourself a pat & treat.

On each portion of success give yourself a pat. Treat yourself with most prestigious way because this encouragement, patness to yourself will stamulate the 10x run to achievement more effectively.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Knowing our purpose makes our lives more better or fuller. Meaningful, delightful and something that is to celebrate.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Similarly, you are saying as we see on paper always do that part which is easy or we can do it easily. Hahaha Also when we will organize ourselves then we can achieve something in our life.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Your articles always leave a spark on me and now this line " Each of us has unique role to play with special characteristics which blessed our lord by nature." made my day.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Wow that's awesome and interesting article your article is very helpful and motivational absolutely right sir we should hesitate and give up. Because some one trying again and again then become succeeds we set our goals and avoid unnecessary distractions then we can achieve our goals

$ 0.02
1 year ago

That's what I do usually, except setting limitations, in which I'm bad. However I will try my best

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You are right my dear friend! We should not hesitate or give up. Because he who tries again and again succeeds.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Above all, we should always remain focus and avoid unnecessary distractions. Such distractions do come when we become so close to achieving our goals

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I agree my friend. Organize ourselves is really important. By that the next process will in good state if we organized ourselves first.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

In our recent state where inflation and hardships are taking its toll upon us , your words is very timely. We should push ourselves further to reach our desire goals.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

When we have discovered our purpose, it is necessary to trigger it more so we can become more successful in such line. Passion without goal driven will be useless.

$ 0.03
1 year ago