Persecuting yourself !

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1 year ago


Our life gets experience daily by new things from the attitudes, behaviour and actions of other people. Some times we learn from their experience and some comes through observations. May it look ocward in first look but others has experience through the own practical.

I have a routine of morning walk and mainly after offering the prayer in mosque I go straight to nearby walking track , park or if I am in village then goes on muddy waving road between the green crops.

Previous week I was in a village of upper Punjab where my uncle lives. I get up in the morning and went out for my walk. Just a kilometre away a saw a old man bathing under a domestic fountain tap.

Such taps people use to get water mainly in rural areas. So I surprised that how this old man getting bath with cold water in temperature of 14© in the morning 6 am. I slowly went close to him and he was pumping the tap with full power, water was coming with full flow and he was saying with anger in his local language. ( ہن دس فیر ایویں کریں گآ). ( Now tell me , will you do it again).

These words were very strange to me that to whom he is talking and to whom he is using to reduce his anger. Well , I wait around 10 minutes to finish his bath. The old man stopped bathing, wear the shirt and I asked him this question. (بابا جی ، کی ہویا ۔ کدے تے غصے او ۔ تے کیوں اینی سردی وچ ٹھنڈے پانی نال نہای جا رے او).( Baba g ( old man) what happened, to whom you are angry and why you are bathing here with cold water.

He saw me with strange eyes and replied, " My son , I woke up daily for my predawn prayers without fail and without any alarm but today He ( he signed to himself) didn't woke me up and I punished him by this cold water, so he will remember it for not to repeat again same mistake.

I asked " Baba g , is it compulsory to punish our body on any mistake? He replied , " mistakes gives birth to anger and hypertension which we can release by two ways . Mentally or physically because it is our nature that we feel calm after revenge. A relief of sigh and satisfaction emerges. So if you will keep in mind it will lead you to stress and anxiety for long term but if you persecut yourself, tease yourself, punish yourself a little, your anger will defuse. Your sense of revenge will get satisfaction and you will no longer think about that mistake.

It was a great lesson for me that how we can defuse the stress without thinking too much , without taking stress and mental illness. It is not compulsory to beat yourself but to release the anger doing some hard physical work with intention of revenge and tease like going up stairs, running, wieght lifting, bathing with cold water or punching an object are solutions.

Thank you so much for reading my experience and the lesson I extract. Like, upvote and leave a comment for your kind opinion.

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1 year ago


There could be some truth to that. Sometimes bottled up emotions can lead to something unpleasant, hurting others and ourselves. However, we shouldn't torture ourselves. Anyway, cold baths are good if you are used to it :D

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Sensible thing like baths, fasting, more work on running machine etc should be applicable. No one in favour of physical torture to ourself on mistake.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This really works for me too. Sometimes when I do something wring, something that was never expected of me, I would feel very ashamed of myself upon realisation of my mistake and error. I usually persecute myself by fasting or else I would continue t feel bad for a long time. "The flesh should be punished for refusing to obey the mind".

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Fasting is another supreme form of revenge against the mistake and I think much better one too because fasting itself has lot of benifits.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, not only spiritually, but it also strengthens our mind and soul

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Very good article this is also a lesson for us but punishing ourselves is not right and thank you very much for sharing us and I am also belonging from punjab there everyone use it.But we live in Karachi since childhood so we don't know how to use it

$ 0.03
1 year ago

It is so simple. Lite punishment like bath , fasting and extra prayer can work as reminder about not to repeat same mistake again.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think its not a good method because, a hadees is.. ( not to be cruel on your body). And this (punishing our own body) is not a method of Muslims....

And one more thing.. Water under the ground is almost 28 degrees in temperature...

When it is winter and temperature on surface is below 20 in پنجاب. The underground water is more warm than the normal temperature..

We even these days use fresh water to take bath.... This water is not cold but it gives comfort.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Harming ourselves or torturing ourselves are not allowed. I didn't support it at all. But if I go for bath , if I apply fasting of one day , if I climb the stairs thrice against any mistake then it is ok for me. Agreed water temperature will be more then the outer one .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was his thoughts, maybe he was correct in his mind and thoughts. But punishing yourself is not good deed.

Anyways, that was a good lesson for us. Thanks for sharing 🙂☺️

$ 0.03
1 year ago

He was taking lengthy bath only . Yes punishing or hurting is another thing which no one will support.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

our life was so much full of emotions maybe in feelings the way we could but the best thing is we need to stay calm as we could and avoid torture our self

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I didn't support any torture to ourself but after any mistake if we get anger and to reduce that anger we use bathing , fasting , sleeping or any activity. May it work for some people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well he shared a golden life living point. This works for me too, I channel this anger in workout, more work hours, cold shower or bath etc. The torture and pain from these activities remind me to not do such mistakes again and be disciplined in life.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

This type of methodology was new to me and I learn that instead of mental stress and over thinking we can reduce the anger by other ways like fasting, bathing etc.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm also from Punjab but sadly i don't know how to use this tap. Our oldest always give us a good lesson. We should punish ourselves too if we committed any mistake

$ 0.02
1 year ago

According to him , it is better solution instead of thinking, regretting and stressing.

$ 0.00
1 year ago