Not Every thing made 4U.

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2 years ago


We can't change things as we want but yes can modify our approach towards them. By nature and by birth human are greedy and not satisfied with its current having. The "more " push him all the time to struggle and captured the maximum possibilities. Even we didn't care the time , health and relationship.

We must understand that everything not made for us. We must know our field , potential , knowledge and wisdom to certain area and should work hard with specific mission and goals. One thing , one time principal can ease our life. But if we run in different areas in a specific time then may we never reach any destination.

I read some articles in last couple of days about Cryptoverse , Bitcoin cash and dip from different writers. Some made me laugh only because the script has no theme , grip and proper texture about the subject. Can we write only what we have knowledge? I think the best thing is we should write only on those topics on which we can do justice with script. If we will try to fix tail of bull to peacock , then can't succeed.

Same logic we can apply for other things too. Struggle is our right to do with maximum potential but shouldn't be in greed for every thing. I can't throw out my bike by looking other's luxury vehicle. I will struggle for it but if can't get then I should be happy with my destiny because same time millions of people even didn't have bike.

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In business , trade , job , online successful fame, entrepreneur , inspirational figure , master of his territory possibly exist around us. We can't be same like others , it is never possible that two or more individuals gets the same integrity and dignity. Each one has a different destiny and he gets according to it.

We can create our own identity by our struggle. We can build our own personality , fame and fortune but can't replace with any other person. Because nature keeps share of every one in different shapes and plans. We should be agree and satisfy on this division of prey by Almighty God.

Closing paragraph.

Staying at one place with firm visibility and attention is better then ten unknown , invisible places. We should Prove our worth in one place with best character and potential. We should choose the field according to our mental capabilities and electibility.

As blogger if we didn't have full command over our topic then we should not entertain it because it will never leave a good impact on reader. Also reader will think it waste of time. We should be careful about our audience that they must get the best worth of their time.

Thanks for reading my article about everything thing not made for us. Like, upvote and leave a comment for your kind opinion.

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$ 3.00
$ 2.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @Ling01
$ 0.06 from @Tomi-Ajax
+ 13
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Everyone has his or her unique abilities and interest. We should learn to develop them. Rather than coping or forcing ourselves to adapt or write about things that don't interest us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That will be professional approach.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have lots of potential and we push beyond our limits but even so we are not invincible and know everything or do everything. We still have our limits.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

No doubt human has great potential to learn the things. That is my point too that we should write which we can do easily and with good command.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agreed to your words brother, we should first know what abilities we have then we should focus on them. We can't compare ourselves with Elon and Marc because we didn't have exposure and experience like them in Crypto. But yeah we can put our maximum efforts to move on and on.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes, it is true that most of us try to write about crypto even if they don't know what is crypto . They do this just for being tipped and this is greed.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We should focus on which we are capable only.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Fantastic, I love this posted content, o simple, yet, precise with factual point.

However, this are part of the mistake many do, and yet, they complain of not being progressive, forgetting that the cause is based on the fact that they are incompetent at that area, but due to the fact that they notice their friend doing well there, they felt it must be the same source for them to also make money, or do well at.

I believe with content such as this, those who are in this category will learn alot, as such will help them reshape themselves, and as well study to understand their selves in caving a niche that best go well with the ability.

Thanks for sharing such a simple, yet, factual content. Cheers.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks AUSOOO for kind compliment. We should share our knowledge with others to help them out in uplifting their own.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For blogging I think they call it "finding your niche". I seldom (close to not) write about crypto things because if I explain how I do it, the experts may stumble upon my article and think it foolish haha.

Grow where you are planted but also know your strength and capitalize on it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

If we know our potential then it ease things to measure and adopt.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have summed the whole issue up in this post. Most of them envy the amount others are getting and they want to earn that by any means.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We shouldn't be in comparison to others in earnings. We should develop our skill for good content writing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I think it depends on our destiny and in fact not everything is for us. It is equal for all and less for some and more for others.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Destiny is vital thing but our struggle , effort and dedication also matters.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree. I have experienced this sir. I remember when I was new here on this platform almost one and a half month ago, I noticed that people who write about crypto and bitcoin get more tips. So I started writing an article about crypto, but while I was writing I didn’t know what I was writing because at that time this concept of crypto was new to me. So yes we should only write about those topics and should only pursue those things over which we have good command

$ 0.04
2 years ago

We should practice it with enough knowledge , research and grip. Otherwise no need to attempt such topics.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, I'm newbie on this platform and I've written only 1 article yet and got $0.31.I've noticed that those people who write articles on Crypto got much rewards.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Well , dear writing on Crypto is never easy. It required lot of research and analysis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago