Make life easier!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Problems, hurdles, difficulties and obstacles are part of our life and no one can deny from Thier importance. These problems generate some hypes, fustration and irritations to us. Some of them sort out by our struggle and some remain unsolved.

Other hand we go hyper, tense, anxious and worried when we face bad behaviour and attitude of some one especially from close circle. It is more difficult then upper reason. The effect of this bad attitude wave on our potential, workflow , mental cabability more then else. We went in anger , prompt response, mad and stress after such behaviour.

How should we respond?

It depends on situation and person whom we respond. But still we should teckle the situation with best possible way where our mental health should not effect. We must groom these four qualities in ourself to face any situation.

  • Learn to be quite.

  • Learn to endure

  • Learn to ignore

  • Learn to manage

Learn to be Quite.

It is not important to respond every thing. Some time staying calm and quiet can be best strategy. It hits best revenge level some times when other's want to listen from you some thing but you stay quite.

Wise people always listen more then speak and whenever talk, they talk selective and to the point. It helps them to keep focus on their main stream and target. It saves the time , energy and bless humbleness.

We should practice to be quite often and talk only meaningful, truthful and accurate by words. Doing this we will have enough energies in our mind to utilize it in more productive way.

Learn to Endure.

Endure means bear the things / afflicted / behaviour with courage and braveness. Endurance made us stronger and deeper. It enlarged our gesture of acceptance and absorbance. Keeping things close to chest is very successful secret of legan.

What others said, what they comment, what they talk, what they think about you ? If you has capability to absorb bad words in you and good words to share with other , your half of problems will automatically solved because you are not part of negativity.

Learn to Ignore.

This part is necessary too because everyone is not important to us. We must took things which are good and benificial and ignore useless, baseless and unoriginal. Same logic should apply on human also , we must learn that whom to ignore and whom to listen. Which words / knowledge is better to you and which you have to ignore.

Learning this skill and developing it slowly gives us right choices to adopt. Ignoring bad attitude of people also gives us calmness and peace because we didn't want to be like them at the end.

Learn to Manage.

Managing things / relationships with justice, right way , suitable to character made our life easier. Just like your mobile phone if the apps, folders, shortcuts and built-in programs shatter around on different pages and layers with uneven balance, how the interface will look. And just imagine if all these things are properly managed in different folders alphabetically how easy will be to search anything.

Exactly managing the things/ relations with good quality viewing made our life much easier. We must exercise and learn how to manage our things/ time / relationships and priorities.

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$ 0.06 from @TheGuy
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


True, being quite gives me a chance to listen attentively .. To distinguished what is spoken from the heart and not just from the mouth. You'll be able to know when to speak or just ignore things that wont do good unto you. Letting it pass coz it has nothing to do with you. Simple words but with big impact.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

We have all these qualities in us, but I still don't understand why people don't practice tjrm in full. The absence of these qualities are always negative, both in home and outside home. The message is clear and loes for us to apply. That's a good one

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Actually we had fear to experiment it in our Life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Complications about everything in our life is just a test for us to learn on how to deal with it.the most important is we are ready to face it and never give up

$ 0.03
1 year ago

These are the steps which can make our life easier and peaceful. I hope I can also learn to manage every situation.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

It is not so difficult if we had believe that every thing is from Almighty Allah.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

But such people are very rare. Most people have made their lives difficult. We should take everything and think positively.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

At least we can practice to ourself first. Any little change will ease lot of things.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's always us who can make our life easier. Well working points explained there.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Thank you TheGuy for compliment.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Making rules and taking measures and following some points to live an easy life is important. ❤️ Well explained

$ 0.03
1 year ago

That is much realistic!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There is no perfect tips to manage our lives than the ones you have listed here, especially being able to have an enduring heart and also to ignore some things that aren't meaning to you.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

We loose most of energies by thinking what others said. Thank you so much princessbusayo!!

$ 0.00
1 year ago