I wish I had swimming.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Almighty bless us uncountable skills , abilities and capabilities where need to explore them , learn and execute them. We should go for new things to learn all the time and I think learning has no limits.

It is Monday mates and I was absent three days from here due to some business tour , family issues and other activities. So I hope everything is fine and friendly with you all. I know Crypto market has worst downfall but it is not new thing. Last year and previous ones has history about it. I am not panicked at all and hope you also not thinking to jump out from ship.

After three days of inactivity I starts reading articles and found quite interesting one from sister @Princessbusayo where she answered the questions which were in shape of fill in the blanks. If you want to go through here you can.

Let's start here to know the best of me that how I could able to treat them .

I always carry CNIC + DL in my bag.

Basically I am business holder of retail where I normally visit other cities , restricted areas like garrison , police departments , Aviation and universities. So it is very important to me have my national identification card (CNIC) and driving license (DL) to prove myself on security check points before entrance which is compulsory to go in such areas.

I wish I could help out my family in better way.

I have a kind heart and can't see others in trouble physical or financial. Especially in my family tribe I always try to help them what ever possible. A latest example happened yesterday when my cousin called me ( He is paralyse due to poliomyelitis) that he wants to buy a three wheeler bike to travel and need some assistance. I instantly send 5000 PKR ( non returnable) to him from my side to share in the cause where two or three other persons also promised him to donate.

Some times I got cheated.

As I said above , a kind heart person , so lot of times I got cheated by people. I trust quickly on tears , helping voice , begging tricks etc. People made me fool and get money ( I learn a lot in last two years and now I investigate the things before Action). But still I never regret over my helping habit because mostly my help goes without any returns.

I had eat french fries every day if I could.

French fries is almost world largest consumed food where all group of age like it. I was a big found of potato chips since childhood. Then in my stay of gulf countries gives it more inlighted because there I got world best french fries comes from France and Spain. Unfortunately I falls in stomach bug around 8 years back and swere pain bears. After the recommendation of doctors I leave the French fries which cause that bug ( according to diagnose of doctors). Still I try some time but not more then two slices. AHH my French fries!!

A talent I have.

I have very good communication skills especially to kids because I spent many years in teaching also. Identify each student , mode of his acceptance , mind capacity , learning capability and communicat with him in his tone. I think my experience made me able to do it in much better way.

Every one say I am proud.

I am a person who talk less and to be point. I never call others for long minutes. My all call history never go more then three minutes. This habit leave a impression to others that I am proud minded person which actually not.

Today I will write the blog from pure natural environment.

Here I am sitting exactly while writing. Normally I use my room or home garden to sit in calmness and write but today I choose to sit in agriculture area where cotton crop around me. Eating fresh mangoes and drink cold water of hand pump.

A talent I wish I had is swimming.

Photo from Unsplash

I try hard in school time , attend the classes but I couldn't learn swimming. I wish still to had this skill in me and could swim in waters like a fish. But I think it will remain incomplete because my body didn't suit it.

Now I am eating Lasoora fruit.

Cordia dichotoma G. Forest is official name of fruit which we call Lasoora in local language. It is unique , rare and delicious. We can't find it every where. Actually it is a forest tree and yield fruit once in year. Here you can see,

These fruit are tiny but when it rip , becomes so tasty yummy and delicious.


Thanks for reading my another prompt response about this fill in the blanks. Hope you like it , if found interesting then upvote and has a comment to know your thoughts.

I will be glad to see your @Itsfarah@Sajibb @Sohana @Bibijani01@Shohana @Gianna-B @Roojoroojay response to this questionnaire.

Follow me here,

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Lead image: unsplash.com

Photos taken by my cellphone.


$ 2.52
$ 2.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.05 from @Roojoroojay
+ 6
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


It's making me laugh that you could eat fries. Anyways it's strange to have a call of just 3minut. I like your personality as a kind man sho wants to support his family. I'll also give answer to these questions today 😂 thank you

$ 0.03
2 years ago

"....because my body didn't suit it." That's funny 😅. C'mon, swimming is easier than imagined. Anybody could be a perfect swimmer . I said so earlier before I started swimming but now, I have taught two of my relations how to swim. It is for everyone... I like your honest answers though.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Just like you, I would like to help my family out in a better way. I wish I can swim but I am always scared of water and its depth.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I was also inactive for almost a month. Good to read about you through these questions, which I will also go to answer.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hope to see your full swing blogging soon!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish I could pump BCH 😂. I always have keys of my home in my bad. To compile these all questions and answers made them more funny. I also like to sit in garden whenever I write. Lasoora fruit it is different thing I find.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

And he didn't mention me too.. 😂😂 no problem... So funny you can't swim, if you had mentioned me, I would have thought you how to swim, but I won't ..😁

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Really I missed to tag you !!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why I said I won't teach you how to swim.😂😂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

In my case I always keep mobile and tissues in my bag, In these days am out of topic that what I write thanks for mentioning me here I will answer these questions tomorrow 💯

$ 0.03
2 years ago